Periods after the pill


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2009
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Hi, af has arrived for me again, was torture for it to be 4 days late and then end up coming anyway. Just wanted to ask about periods after coming off the pill. I stopped taking it in June and started menstruating again in August, although my periods are no where near back to normal yet. They do seem to be trying to get into some sort of cycle again but they are so so light, all I need is a pantyliner (sorry for tmi).
Just want to know if this has happened to anyone else, if so how long did it take for them to get back to normal?
Thanks :)
I think it can vary quite dramatically from woman to woman. Mine settled fairly quickly after the combined pill but the mini pill really buggered me up for a short while. :)
Mine were normal within a couple of months of coming off the combined pill - I'm on the mini pill at the moment and starting to worry that it's going to take ages when I stop taking it. The fact that you're having periods is good though - hopefully you'll be completely back to normal soon :)
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I no it can take a couple of months for periods to get back to normal. I didnt think mine had got back to normal but after 2months of being off the pill (and my 1st month trying) i got pregnant :) good luck x
it took about 3months for my body to get bk to norma after coming off the pill and really heavy!
Thanks everybody for your help. I was on the mini pill followed by the combined pill since the birth of my daughter and during that time for 3 1/2 yrs I didn't have a period at all! (apart from slight spotting). Am thinking I might make an appointment with the doctor because you lot seem to have only taken a few months to get back to normal while it's been 7 months for me and they're still not heavy at all? She'll probably just tell me I have to wait it out tho.
This ttc is driving me to distraction! The monthly wait to try again is so drawn out I can't take much more!!!!!
The doctor told my mate who has just come off the pill that it could take up to 2 years for her to get back to normal after coming off the pill... dont know which one she is on. I don't have experience of this myself as I have never been on one. x
thanks, i wouldn't mind if it didn't go back to normal for 2 yrs as long as that didn't mean I couldn't conceive in that time. It's weird because I had to get my hormones checked for pcos and all I had to do was go off the pill for 2 weeks so that all the hormones could leave my body. Turns out my hormones are at the normal level when I'm not on the pill. My DH keeps being negative and saying that there obviously isn't enough womb lining there to successfully receive an egg. Talk about feeling pressurised! His pessimism is doing my head in especially since I'm the only one researching ttc. Am so tired and feel nauseous and lousy because of AF spose everything feels wrong wit the world at the mo.
i completely know how u feel. espically wif the doctor.....:wall2:

i was only on the pill for 2 months, then decided to ttc..... 12 months later no sign of a period therefore no baby!!!!

i didnt no what was goin on with my body and to quite honest i dont think my doctor did....:shakehead:

the girls in the forum advised me to seek a second opinion, whick i did and she was very understanding and have started the ball rolling doin tests.....

and i think maybe u should seek a 2nd opinion aswell if u feel this unhappy with the advise your doctor has been given (or the lack of it)

dont feel down huni.... it can take a while for things to settle and dont feel u are on ur own... we are all hear to let u bend our ears lol

good luck and loads of baby dust!!!!:dust:
thanks for your post, I'm scared to have tests done tbh because I have a gut feeling that I've got endometriosis and I'm worried the doc will make me stop trying until they've found out if I do or not.

I have every symptom of it and I'm worried that the invasive diagnostic method of keyhole surgery and the hormones they give as treatment will interfere with ttc. It doens't cause infertility in every woman who has it (I've got a daughter already) and apparently getting pregnant is a good way to help it.

But I know I should get to the doctor sooner rather than later because I am in agony with this now since getting my period again since August- definitely as bad as labour- last month I was throwing up, lying on the bathroom floor and shaking, & I get excruciating wind pain every day of the month. Af is a real beatch for me!! Would love to get pregnant to have a much longed for baby and have relief from these af side effects! Men have N O idea!!!!!!

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