Periods after childbirth


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2010
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Hi everyone, I had my baby on the 15th November and bleed for about 3-4 weeks no bleeding sonce but I havent had a period as yet is this normal. I feel somedays like it is starting and do feel a bit bloated and my breast and underarns are tender but it just never arrives. Me and hubbie have been having sex but only using the withdrawal method as I have been to the doctor but can only start taking the pill on the first day of my period I dont think I am pregnany as we have been careful but I am starting to panic. Should I have had a period ? ? ? ? ?
I had my first period when Drake was 9 weeks old. Your lo is 7 weeks old by my calculations?so yeah completely normal, If your brestfeeding it could take months to come back!
Tegan is 9 weeks old and i haven't had a period yet x
I had my first period when Drake was 9 weeks old. Your lo is 7 weeks old by my calculations?so yeah completely normal, If your brestfeeding it could take months to come back!

Thanks I am bottlefeeding Darcie and yes she will be 7 weeks old tommorrow. Can I ask did you have signs your period was coming ? I cant remeber with my last one when they returned and the doctor said that I should have one prob about week 4!! This was when I went to get the pill so I have been starting to panic!
I also started panicking Hun i done a pregnancy test last week and it was negative thank god! xx
I had my first period when Drake was 9 weeks old. Your lo is 7 weeks old by my calculations?so yeah completely normal, If your brestfeeding it could take months to come back!

Thanks I am bottlefeeding Darcie and yes she will be 7 weeks old tommorrow. Can I ask did you have signs your period was coming ? I cant remeber with my last one when they returned and the doctor said that I should have one prob about week 4!! This was when I went to get the pill so I have been starting to panic!

That's silly of your doc to say that as there's lots of women who don't stopped post partum bleeding till 6 weeks.. Me being one of them!

I didn't get any signs..maybe a bit of a bad belly but that's it!

I honestly wouldn't worry for a few weeks yet hun xx
I also started panicking Hun i done a pregnancy test last week and it was negative thank god! xx

Thanks, I am kinda panicing this is awful but it would be my worst nightmare
i started on the pill on friday (no period yet) n was told to jus use condoms for a week n then il b protected fine :/ but hope like b4 i dont get any periods, had a lil bit of bleedin today but have done every time after sex,

I didnt have my first proper period for 12 weeks and I should warn you when it I did it was unpleasant .. but I was like you and thought maybe I had somehow gotten pregnant again .
I was told by doctor you can start taking the pill either 21 days after delivery and be protected or anytime as long as you also use another form of contraception for a week - then you should be fine.

With my first child I had my first period 6 weeks after delivery, this time around it came bang on my usual 31 day cycle. With both I had only just finished post partum bleeding for a couple of days and had period. I didn't realise it was my period tbh I thought my post partum bleeding had kicked off again. I ended up going back to hospital because the bleeding was so heavy and they confirmed it was my period! I felt so stupid! I was prepared for a very heavy first period this time and it was just like after I had my daughter, just came 'on time'!
PANIC OVER ...... Period arrived this morning, nearly 8 weeks after!
Yey, isn't it strange being glad af has arrived? - My first one after having Tomos has also started today and seeing as I only bled for 2 days its been quite a nice 9 weeks. Must start thinking about contraception though - at my 6 week check up thats all my GP was interested in talking about and with everything we were going through at the time sex was the last thing on my mind!
I haven't had one yet, I was told that having the coil fitted would start them and nothing :shock: when I went for a coil check today I was warned that when I do get one it is likely to be awful... Even bigger :shock:

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I haven't had one yet, I was told that having the coil fitted would start them and nothing :shock: when I went for a coil check today I was warned that when I do get one it is likely to be awful... Even bigger :shock:

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Im not really sure about the coil but mine was what I thought heavy yesterday but through the night and this morning I have never had anything like it, it is seriously heavy!
Yey, isn't it strange being glad af has arrived? - My first one after having Tomos has also started today and seeing as I only bled for 2 days its been quite a nice 9 weeks. Must start thinking about contraception though - at my 6 week check up thats all my GP was interested in talking about and with everything we were going through at the time sex was the last thing on my mind!

When I saw it I was delighted and thats what I was thinking this time last year when it arrived and we were trying to get pregnant I was so disappointed strange how emotions work! I had actually forgotten how awful they actually are!

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