Period type bleed


Oct 11, 2017
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I’m only 4 weeks and 5 days pregnant, so I know it’s mega early, but so far I’ve had every symptom going, nausea, sore boobs, back ache, cramps and ridiculously high emotions.
But today I started bleeding....not particularly heavy, but I’m also not sure it was light enough to pass for spotting either. It basically looked like a light period, along with the period type cramps. I’ve been to the doctor, but because it’s so early she can’t say either way, so she’s booked me in for a scan on Wednesday.
Was feeling pretty optimistic as apart from the bleeding I didn’t feel particularly different in myself, and still felt pretty prego ( as much as you can for 4 weeks 5 days) but I’ve just realised my boobs don’t really hurt anymore. They’ve been agony for the past week, but now nothing. This worries me more than anything, and I’m petrified now that this bleeding is actually a miscarriage.
I’m not in any massive pain and haven’t passed any clots, so I’m hoping nothing bad has happened, if anything the bleeding is gradually getting lighter.
Has anyone had a similar experience?
Hi vix. Sorry you're having this worry. I've had bleeding in all 4 of my pregnancies. Ranging from spotting to full bleeds. 2 unfortunately ended in MC but 2 were successful (a full bleed is what I had in my current pg and am now 34 wks). So as frustrating and worrying as it is the only way to know for sure is to get your scan, great that you're booked in for a scan and hopefully these days don't drag too much for you. Try not to read too much into the symptoms coming and going, this is normal for a healthy pg too. Fx for you x
Also the bleeding getting lighter sounds positive, you can get breakthrough bleeding when af is due x
Thanks Candy. The bleeding has almost stopped, so I’m massively praying it wasn’t a mc. I’m still cramping.... but I have been since I realised I was pregnant, so hopefully things are still ok. I can’t believe I actually want my sore boobs back!!
I’ll be keeping everything crossed until the scan.
Congrats on you pregnancy. Not long left now...I bet you can’t wait x
Cramping also totally normal early on. Pleased the bleeding has stopped!
Thanks, I'm totally ready for baby to come now!! Fx for scan and keep us updated x
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Hi vix hope your ok, I didn't have bleeding but suffered really bad cramps at beginning of my pregnancy they was that bad I was bent over double in pain and crying and my baby is fine im 11+6 today I've had quite a few scans at 5, 6 8 and 10 weeks pregnant and everything was fine and the nurse and my midwife told me it's very common in early pregnancy as I was terrified as this is my first pregnancy and I had no idea what was right and wrong xx
Took a digital pregnancy test this morning, and it was negative. :(
Sorry to read that Vix, perhaps check in with your GP who could offer you some help?
Hope you have plenty of support, big hugs xxx
Hi Hun

I would make GP appt, and discuss it with him/her..

When I had miscarriages in the past I was still testing positive.. plus the miscarriages I had were very heavy and with large clots .. try and speak to a doctor for support to x

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