Period Pain


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2007
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I've been having period type pains coupled with back ache for over a week now and it is getting progressively worse. The midwife told me this was Braxton Hick pains which I didn't realise before. Over the last couple of days they have become almost constant which is making me really uncomfortable. I am finding it difficult to sleep because of waking up for a wee every hour and heartburn as well as not being able to find a comfortable position to lie in. Although I seem to wee less during the day, I still don't seem to get comfortable enough to sleep that much.

I don't think I'm in labour but I'm starting to worry how I'm going to cope for the next couple of weeks if this is how things are going to be. I already feel shattered so am worried that labour is going to be that much harder because I don't feel well rested.

Did anyone else experience these pains in the weeks leading up to labour? How was your birth experience because of it? Any suggestions on how to get some sleep/rest?

Hi Midly,
I got bad back ache 3 days before my waters broke. Then after i didnt get anything apart from afew twinges and before labour i had backache and wanted to go to the loo every hour to the very 15 minutes.
Doctor told me to use Ibupofren back rub/gel which did ease the pain. Only can tell you what happened to me and wish you the best hope it not to long for you now. With regards to rest i really wouldnt worry about it! :hug:
Thanks Jollypops. Pretty sure I'm not in labour but will definitely try the gel for my back.

Thanks for replying :hug:
I had them for about 5 days before Luke was born. When its the real thing you will know, dont worry :)
Thanks girls, I think these are just niggles but they are worrying me because I am finding it all quite painful and am a bit worried how bad I'll be at coping with the pain of real labour!
Thanks girls, I think these are just niggles but they are worrying me because I am finding it all quite painful and am a bit worried how bad I'll be at coping with the pain of real labour!
I keep getting period pains....they don't seem to come in waves or anything but I definately get crampy feelings. I usually get them in the mornings, but I had them todayy at about lunchtime whilst travelling in the car :? I don't know if these are BH's...I didn't notice any tightenings but then it was hard to tell because I was sitting upright in the car. I'm sure I have BH's at other times in the day, and I do notice a tightening then but it's at the top of my bump and doesn't feel crampy...?

I'm not sure I'm making any sense :lol: But I will mention it to my MW tomorrow in any case. Hope this isn't a sign that baby is going to come early :shock:

C xxx
I was uncomfy with periody type pains for a few days before labour began, but they definately changed when it was the real thing, hope this means you dont have too long to wait Mildly! I can hardly imagine how it feels to be almost full term now, but I remember not knowing what to do with myself especially at night. Try and rest as much as you can in the daytime, even if you dont manage to nap, just chilling will help. Dont worry you will find the energy for labour from somewhere! :hug:
the only period pains i felt in pregnancy were pre-labour pains 48 hours before the birth. good luck if this is it! i hope it eases for u soon :hug:

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