Period of Purple Crying

Hmm, my health visitor (a former pediatric nurse) reckoned colic is caused by an under developed bowel, this seemed to tally with my experience where the baby would be howling in pain until he passed a lot of wind or pooed, especially at 6am. He would be trying to sleep but would keep being startled awake by something clearly uncomfortable. The baby tummy massage would sometimes help with moving the wind/poo through his body and then all the crying and startling would stop.

Fortunately colic is supposed to finish around 12-13 weeks so I have just 1 or 2 left to go, these last few days have been a lot better though.
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I remember reading this with my son. Turned out he had reflux.

Looking back now based purely on our experience I'm not sure I agree with these things that talk about crying like that being normal for babies and something they grow out of.
I haven't fully read it yet but after 3 days of virtually non stop someone mentioned this website.

I'm seeing HV today so am going to rule out anything medical. Bee is bf and until 3 days ago was fine? Babies don't just suddenly develop colic or reflux do they? I'll of course ask HV.

Baby isn't ill (no temp, still feeding, having normal nappies and sleeping) so it led me to explore what else it could be.

It's a bit of a shocker to have a baby that screams for no apparent reason. We were spoilt with James!!!!

Hi Carnat, sounds very distressing not to mention exhausting, but it doesn't sound like my understanding of colic, I think you would have had these symptoms for weeks already if it was.

Hope little Bee cheers up soon& that there's nothing wrong xx
Hi hun, Not too sure if they can suddenly develop reflux/colic but I know my two have had periods of what sounds like purple crying. Nothing wrong with them, just lots of crying!
Though diet did impact this crying. Are you having any gassy veg/spicy foods/citrus fruit or caffeine? I had to have a really plain diet and that really really helped with this crying period. It's only the past few weeks that the littlest hasn't been impacted by things like coffee (thank god!)

Also how many weeks is she? I found weeks 6,9,12 and 14 in both babies were the weeks they must've had some kind of growth spurt and cried a lot - nothing would soothe them other than the bath!

Otherwise cranial Oestopathy is meant to be good for babies who cry like this. I know you live north London and there's a drop in place which does free sessions on a Wednesday morning if you were ever interested!

I hope it eases for you, it's so upsetting when nothing soothes
She is 9 weeks so it's leap time as well. Not sure how much 'truth' there is in the Wonder Weeks but I read it with James and he didn't really follow the leaps? I am quickly finding out that my children are very different though.

Touch wood today she has been a lot calmer. Up from 7am and not one screaming fit - yet!!!!

I always understood cranial oestopathy was beneficial if you had a long labour / hard time getting baby out?

Diet is a good idea, I'm not eating great at the moment and having a few cuppa's a day. I am eating a lot of veg and salad but also quite a few biscuits lol.

Seeing HV later so will see if she can offer any insight.

So glad she seems better today poor mite and poor you.

Def try and cut out the caffeine, with A that made the biggest difference. Though that also aggravated her reflux so may be different for Bee.
As for the cranial im not really sure, I know it's recommended for c-section babies which is why it was recommended to me but I remember my yoga teacher saying they also recommend it for babies with a slightly lower birth weight - under 7lbs I think, not sure how much Bed weighed? Honestly not sure how much difference it makes as I didn't end up going but I'll find the details of that children's centre and send them to you just in case.

Hope all goes well with the HV chick.xx
Oh and another more practical thing I found helped with the screaming fits was not over dressing her or leaving her sleeping in the buggy. I would have to take her out of the buggy straight away and feed her and that prevented a severe crying attack!x
I'm yet to read article but seen comments re cranial osteo...this helped my niece loads. Born naturally, apprpx 7lbs.

She and her brother gave themselves hernias because they were squirming so much and in pain. Worth trying!

Haven't read article either but I was reading up on cranial osteo the other day as Caleb has quite bad trapped wind at times and actually read that it's good for babies that were delivered quickly and I know you had a similar labour/birth to mine x

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