Period after m/c


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2007
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Hi girls, I have lost my angel at about 5 weeks 15 days ago. I am waiting for my next period and will TTC again. My cycles are very irregular.. just wondering how long did you have to wait to first period after m/c. I am so impatient :oops:
:cry: Hi Petra,

Really really to hear of your loss. I m/c at 6 weeks back at the end of July and it was one of the most traumatic things I've ever been through. It does get a little easier in time although I think it is something that will stay with me forever.

In answer to your question - the advice I was given was anything between 3 and 8 weeks although mine was 33 days (2 days longer than a normal cycle). Found that physically, was back to normal within a couple of weeks, not sure about emotionally though!!!

It's taken 3 months since to conceive again - against advice, did try straight away but in a way I'm glad it didn't happen again too soon as I was a bit messed up emotionally, plus had a problem with an infected finger that needed op. under gen. anaesetic.

All the very best; the only thing I can say really on ttc again is follow your heart!! :hug:
Hi Petra,

how are you doing hun? :hug: AF turned up for me 26 days after the first day of my m/c so my body seems to have decided to treat it like a period. I think it really differs. It's a hard wait though I know, it was such a sense of relief when she did show, it kind of felt like the chapter was closed but in a more positive way because it meant I could move on.

:hug: :hug:
Hi Petra

Sorry to hear of your recent loss :hug:

I've had 2 m/c this year, both at 10 wks. The first one, I had d&c and AF turned up 5.5 weeks later. Second m/c was natural, AF turned up 6 weeks later. After 1st m/c, I waited one cycle, then luckily fell pg first month of TTC. After 2nd m/c, didn't bother waiting, but again fell pg after 1st complete cycle.

Hope you don't have to wait too long :hug:
Hi Petra,

:oops: Just realised I missed 'sorry' out of the first sentence of my post :doh: Sorry about that!!!

Hope you feel better soon. :hug:
Hi girls :wave: , many thanks for your replies :hug:

So sorry to hear about your losses & congratulations to those who are pregnant again :hug: Hope your pregnancies go well and we meet at different rooms of this forum.

I have just returned from my week's holidays and will go back to work tomorrow. I feel quite relaxed and look forward to the busy life in London again. I am trying to stay positive... great people like you help me lots. MANY THANKS :hug: :hug: :hug:


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