Period after ERPC?


New Member
Jun 14, 2007
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I am hoping someone will be able to help me. I am new here. :)

I had an ERPC on Saturday the 1st June. My hcg levels were only 12 so very low but I had some retained products from weeks before.

I bled very lightly for a few days then it stopped completely for about a week. Yesterday I started bleeding again - pretty heavy, like a heavy period.

I called the ward that did my ERPC and they said to see how I got on and to see my doctor if I was worried. I don't want to see my doctor as there is nothing he can do.

This morning my pad was pretty soaked so I called NHS Direct and they said that since my tummy is not tender and I have no temperature or anything that it might well be my period.

It seems really quick to be getting a period. Can anyone advise? The last thing I want is to go back to the hospital but I don't want to leave it and then damage to be done.

:wave: Hi Steffie,
So sorry your going through this :hug: It is hard enough to loss a baby without complications afterwards.... I think maybe a quick visit to the hospital would be a good idea, just to make sure all is well..... Sometimes our bodies can react badly to evac and you may need a little injection to stop the bleeding, or you may just need as little more time, but to be sure, go get checked out..... :hug: it's their job so don't worry about going back....

Let us know how you get on, Lv Yvonne xx :hug: :hug:
Thanks for responding Yvonne.

I went to my doctor this morning. He said that since I wasn't getting any fever etc he wasn't too worried. He said bleeding can be erratic, especially since I have a large fibroid.

The bleeding seems to have slowed right down again now so goodness knows what all that was about.

I just hope my cycles are not all over the place forever.

Hi just to say I had an ERPC on 5th june and I have been bleeding with a light/medium intensity ever since. I'm going to not worry while it's still not been longer than a fortnight. So if it's still there on Tues, see my doc. But it seems lighter and I bet it stops by Tues :)

Hope yours stops soon. No of course your cycles won't be b*ggered for ever, within a few weeks it will probably be back to normal :)

The doc advised me to wait for 2 proper periods before trying again (which is annoying but I'll stick to it, after all they have scraped around in there so my womb must need to convalesce. :)
Im sorry for your loss, bad enough loosing a baby without all the added stress afterwards.Im so sorry.
I hope you get everything sorted soon health wise and hope to see you in the TTC section soon.

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