Period after ERPC


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2012
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Hi Ladies.

Hope you are all well, or as well as can be expected anyway.

To those of you who had an ERPC, I was just wondering how long it took before you got your period. I had mine the ERPC on 21st September and didn't really bleed much after, apart from a couple of days 3 days after the procedure.

So for me nearly 4 weeks since ERPC and no sign of period. I'm not anxious about it or anything, as I have read it can be 4-6 weeks, but was just curious how long it took for you ladies to get yours.

Hi perfectstorm

My 1st period arrived exactly to the day 4 weeks after erpc in Aug. It was quite heavy and lasted about 8 days. I was told it would be between 4-6wks too.

Hi I tracked my hcg and my ovulation from 2 weeks after erpc it took 5 weeks to get my negative hpt then I ovulated 2 weeks later then period came 2 weeks after that so 9 weeks in all xxx
Hi, I'm now 5 weeks post ERPC and still not af. I think I may hav ovulated a week ago but not 100% on that. I was told 4-6 weeks too but I usually have irregular/long periods so probably doesn't apply to me. Hope you are well x
Hey duck, I had my ERPC on 3rd Sept and just got my AF about 3 days ago so about 6 weeks for me, but then my cycles have been long and irregular anyway x
Hi, I had ERPC in April and it took 12 weeks before I had a period. It can be anything between 6-12 weeks. The first few days were quite heavy too.

Hope this is reassuring that all is well.
Thanks ladies.

I did a pg test only a couple of days after ERPC and it came back negative so I assume that means all pg hormones have gone.

Had some ovary pains today which I thought could be ovulation pains but I did an OPK and it came back negative.

I guess I just need to be patient as it's only 4 weeks tomorrow since ERPC.
Hi perfectstorm,

I had my D&C 7th Sep and my period came 4 weeks and 2 days later. Apart from bleeding the day of the op I didn't have anything else so I guess that almost counted as my period date. I tracked my HCG levels and it took almost 2 weeks to turn negative so I thought I'd be another 4 weeks after that until AF came so was surprised it arrived so soon. It lasted a day longer and was a tad heavier thank usual but no pain (I normally get off lightly each month anyway). xx
Mine came like clockwork after 5 weeks as usual. I bled a lot after my ERPC though it went on for weeks xxx
After asking the question on Wednesday, I got my period yesterday - 4 weeks 1 day after my ERPC! Guess that means my OH and I can start TTC again. Wish me luck!
Good luck hun, we got our bfp after 1st af - people kept saying it could happen quickly but I didn't believe them! xx

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