Perineal Massage??


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2005
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Hello all!

I have just been looking at some perineal massage oil as I am going to try anything to avoid tearing - I think that along with pooing myself during labour is my biggest fear! :oops: It states that: "Regular perineal massage can reduce the risk of perineal tearing and the need for an episiotomy"

Has anyone tried anything like it,and if so,how did you go about doing the massage bit??
Thanks girls,
Bagpuss :)
luckily i didnt have a problem with this on first child but i did have a tear inside which needed stitches and was very uncomfortable for a few weeks after xxx
When I had my son I had been massaging in just plain almond oil (don't worry about getting the expensive stuff!) every night for a couple of months before and although my son was small (5lb 11) I didn't tear and just had a slight graze on my labia :oops:
I am convinced it was that that helped cause I got stretch marks absolutely everywhere so my skin obviously wasn't very stretchy!

Would definitely try it though, you've got nothing to lose! :wink:

Tan x
Forgot to say, don't worry about pooing yourself in labour - by the time it's getting to that point you really don't care what you do just as long as you get LO out quick! And always remember: they'll always have seen worse and hundreds of people do it every day!

Tan x
:D Cheers Tan!
Where did you get the almond oil from - I am thinking maybe a health shop??
You are right about the price of the stuff they sell on line,it was like 12 quid for a tiny bottle,so I'm going to give the almond oil a try.

How long did you spend massaging the oil in,and was it uncomfortable to reach the bigger you got??
Bagpuss xxx
It was just in Holland and Barrett but you can get it in most healthy food places or pharmacies etc and it was only cheap for a 200ml bottle. I had loads left and am using it again now! I didn't rub it in for long, just a couple of minutes although I have to admit my OH did it most of the time (TMI :oops: !) so it wasn't a problem later on! I think when I did do it towards the end though it was ok as it's the same as having to get there when you're on the loo!!!!

Tan x

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