Peoples opinions of this....


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2011
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A girl I know is having a baby 2 weeks after me and she's 16. I don't have a problem with that, what I do have a problem with is that she's homeless, and she's in a 3 way relationship... A girlfriend and a boyfriend!! I think it's so irresponsible!
I didnt have too much of a problem with her little 3-way thing when it was just her but I don't think it's right bringing a baby into that sort of thing... What's the poor kid going to grow up thinking?
She's a lovely girl and everything I just think that she's one of those people who is going to give us younger mums a bad name...

What do you ladies think?

Katie xx
i have to agree with you hun, she won't come first anymore!
a baby needs a stable environment, and being homeless is not a good start to this baby's life, oh i don't know.

here we are making sure our finances are in order and everythingf else before we concieve and that we at the very least have a stable home for our young ones, and then there are the other who just don't care.

but who are we to say she is going to be bad mother, it might look bleak to us but maybe when this baby arrives it will be the kick up the backside she needs to straighten out her life!
I truly hope so... I want to see her be a good mum cause I know how much she wants it but she can't take advice... Anything anyone has to say is criticism... Her eyes need to open soon......

I mean, I wasn't in a great situation when I found out I was pregnant but OH and I kicked each other up the butts and are in a much better situation now... Tried explaining this to her but I guess that's 16 year old.... They think they know everything....
It doesn't sound like a great situation but you never know maybe she will have to turn her life around when baby arrives. Would be fantastic if she did!

I think the biggest thing for me would be supporting her having a baby whilst homeless - that seems very irresponsible..

One of my friends went to ask advice about finances etc from the jobcentre and she said she got told to have a baby and then she'd be given somewhere to live - that shocked me but makes me think maybe that's why some girls are doing it!
This girls situation doesn't sound good at all. The homeless part can be sorted eventually, but to bring a baby into a 3 way relationship. What sort of environment is that to bring a baby into?? It's this sort of thing that make me and DH mad - those in dodgy situations go on to have happy, healthy pregnancies and those of us who do everything right lose their LO. How unfair is the world?? xx
Well, tried to give her some advice today... And apparently I'm "constantly picking holes so why don't I just leave her the f*** alone"... I guess some people truly do think that they know everything... I hope she grows up soon...
I hope that the baby and the girl find some stability and love she obviously is craving :(
Oh dear :-( the situation on all levels is far from ideal. I hope She is more receptive to help and practical suggestions once her baby arrives

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