people should ask before just opening there mouth (rant)


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2010
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so as some of you know Ellie came along early and by section and I wanted to breastfeed her as soon as possibe but as she was early she had to be tube fed and when it came to the time of feeding her she wouldnt latch on so had o go to the teat. I expressed every 2 hours day and night for 12 weeks but I had hardly an milk as my body didnt think that I had to start producing it and the shock of the section. I tried all the drugs on the market and prescription all the tips tp get more and couldnt so Ellie had to be moved on to nutriprem ( a special milk for special care babies) so I have LOADS of people saying "so you have a prem baby and you don think its important to breastfeed!!! eh shut the f**k up and maybe ask why is my answer now

really gets you down sometimes with some peoples comments on Ellies small size and all the other comments that come with it
:hug: My god I couldve written that myself! My LO wasnt prem but I had an emergency section and he had no suck reflex when he was born. Its SUCH hard work using the breast pump that much, and my milk supply was a continuous issue. I hated when people judged me for bottle feeding him, as if Im some kind of lazy mother when actually I had to work much harder than most other people to give him every last drop of milk I could produce. Didnt help that my GP refused to prescribe the domperidone when the specialist asked him to :roll:

You did a fantasic job to keep it up for 12 weeks. :hug:
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aw thank god its not just me!!! yeah I was one of the lucky ones that got it prescribed it helped but no for long dont think people understand the stress of not having your baby home with you evert night you have to leave them in special care!!!! plus Ellie is a live which is a miracle so if its formula she needs then so be it and she has actually been gaining more weight on the formul than breastmilk x
definately, the midwife in the postnatal ward actually advised me to bottle feed him cos I wasnt producing even half a ml after 3 days. I know that breast is best, but babies need to eat too, and if the breast milk isnt there, formula is better than starving them!! I dont think people realise how hard it can be, especially if theyve been lucky and havent been made aware of any issues.

I had a woman in the BF support group say to me that she thinks women who say they didnt get their milk coming in are just making excuses cos theyre to lazy to BF. I really wanted to kill her. I was raging! How f***ing lucky is she that she doesnt think milk supply issues are real, obviously she had an easy ride!

Theres nothing lazy about looking after a baby with colic & reflux, using a breast pump every few hours 10 mins each boob, 24-7, sterilising bottles & breastpump equipment, making up formula, spending 20 mins trying to encourage baby to latch on before giving the bottle of expressed milk followed by the bottle of formula milk and then your baby throws up over you themselves and the sofa so you have to clean that up, then oh look its time to go on the breastpump again :roll: THEN trying to squeeze in as much skin to skin as possible, all while trying to recover from major surgery. lazy LAZY?! Shes lucky I was so shocked I didnt respond at all, I swear I think if I did respond I mightve just killed her and her f-ing milky boobs!
Argh stupid people. Its hardly the end of the world to bottle feed! It's still a source of food that the baby needs. Some people are so rude and inconsiderate.
I've bottle fed from day one, a few midwifes in NICU, tried to put a bit of pressure on and wanted me to express. But i just didn't want to!! Yes people do look down there noses at it, but i say mind your own business lol and hes doing really well on bottle thankyou lol xxx
exactly ladies my point exactly our babies came into the world early therefore SOME peoples milk doesnt come through in time so what do we do starve our babies aye ok then SHUT UP!!! LAZY I got up at half 6 expressed got ready had breakfast got Mia up gave her breakfast got her ready for school expresses took her to school expressed got the hour bus journey to hospital sat and looked at MY baby through plastic getting tube fed by another woman stayed 3 hours at the hospital expressed 3 times whilst there got the hour journey home got mia from school made dinner fed the OH and Mia expressed twice went to the hospital again came home house work bah bed expressed every 2 hours then done the same thing everyday for 7 weeks LAZY!!!!! oh and if I had someone to get Mia at school I was at the hospital from 10am - 8pm and expressed all day xxx
at the time you dont realise your doing everything but then when you look back you think wow I done that xx
you did amazing!! Especially with another LO to look after, I just had to look after myself and the baby and I fell apart!!

And also what people dont realise is that when youve been through a difficult time and then you cant breastfeed on top of that, its a double blow, another dissapointment. I wanted to rip down every poster in the postnatal ward about how wonderful breastfeeding is. It was like a big HERES WHAT YOU CANT DO! poster. And I sat accross from a woman who complained cos her baby breastfed too much. She just sat in bed feeding and reading her book while I limped off to sterilise the breast pump :roll: I will admit I was completely jealous!
both you and tiny did well Hun, Atleast you both gave it your best shot! i breastfed for 4 months then found out LO is Lactose intolerant so switched to Lactose free formula loads of people said i was 'selfish' for Not cutting out all dairy to continue breastfeeding! people really should think before they open their mouths! x
aw girls it was the most stressful and tiring time of my life and all the comments really get to you. and now Ellie is on solids and she is stil tiny, in newborn clothes and someone came up to me in a cafe the other week there and said do you really think that a newborn should be eaing solids, well i went mad xx
Sorry your having a hard time but you all sound as if you have and are doing a great job. Dont listen to any one else, they are just being asses!! Ive just stopped breastfeeding after six weeks for various reasons and people have commented that I should carry on and not worry about how painful etc it's getting, I've decided to stop and people should just accept it! I know breast is best and I've tried my best but I'm also fed up of people making comments that really not helpfull. Sorry I'm ranting !!! Well done Claire you have done really well xxx
I totally agree nreast is best but both baby and mum need to ne enjoying it!!! or you just dont enjoy your baby at least you have tried AND done it for the past 6 weeks, good for you for standing your ground xx
The thing is rainbow it's ok for people to say don't mind the pain etc but it's not them having to go through it, you do. It's so easy for ppl to say "breast is best" but they don't have to listen to your baby screaming because they aren't getting enough. A mother wants what's best for their baby and sometimes it isn't a breast!! Argh some peoples attitudes annoy me, how dare they judge! Luckily I can bf but i don't need a flipping blue Peter badge for it lol
Exactly I used to have to brace myself when Lucy was going on the boob!! And I expressed in the end and my boobs were still Painfull, I'm so much happier now and she is too. And my boobs, well they are still a bit sore but hopefully they will be back to normal soon!! Xx
I felt like there was so much pressure to do lots of things according to 'the guidelines' and I ended up feeling like I was the worst mother in the world. LO wouldn't latch on, was frenzied at feeding time and ended up screaming because he was so frustrated! I expressed as much as possible and I felt the need to tell people it was my breastmilk coming out of that bottle! I eventually stopped trying to get him to latch on, then about 4 weeks later when we were having skin to skin something just clicked with him and he latched on perfectly. It was just a shame by that point I had very little milk to offer in one go and he got frustrated again.
Our babies and we will use our instinct! How on earth did we survive without people telling us what to do at every turn?
aw im just glad that Im no the only one that feels like i, my opinion is unless you have been there and cant breastfeed then keep your comments to yourself xx

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