Pelvic/Groin pains/Braxton hicks? cant handle it!


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2005
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I havent managed to post much on here as havent had a very good pregnancy due to hyperemisis.
Im hoping some of you girls can give me some advice or if any of you feel the same as me...
The past week or so I have been getting more and more uncomftable & what Im pretty sure are braxton hicks along with a real heaviness on my bladder especially at night when im lying on my side. I know alot of these are normal symtoms of late pregnancy but I seem to have a constant dull ache & the past few days I have felt ready to pop (it even hurts if the baby moves/wriggles) My main reason for this post is for a couple of hours the past few evenings im getting pretty bad pains what I can only describe as a real dragging pressure down below and the same kind of feeling you get when your dying for a poo but more intense, like a sharp cramping...
There seems to be no pattern to it & I did think it may be the start of labour but then it dissapears & also theres no peak & descent so Im pretty sure it isnt now.. also because i really couldnt handle it its made me feel really scared that im not going to be able to cope with the real thing if that was only a taster... my husband said to maybe call the MW but i dont see the point as they all say the same thing - that its your body getting ready etc.
Do you think it is a sign that things are happening ? or that somethings wrong? I just want it over now.
A couple of friends I know that are also expecting around the same time seem fine apart from the norm not sleeping etc. I thought I had an ok pain threshold but obiously not!
The baby has been 3/5 engaged since 36wks (im 38 +4 now)

Is anyone else feeling the same or is it just me having these problems?! :?

hi hun,

im due on the 14th and i have had exactly the same feeligns as you.

its horrible, last night i was convinced the baby was going to come out, i went to bed early coz the baby was pushing down hard, was getting shooting pains and i felt like i needed to go to the loo, lots of pressure!

i really thought my waters would go last night but nope, still here! lol

hang in there hun, it does sound like things are starting for you, hopefuly in the next week you will have your baby :)
From what you are describing, yes, I do feel the same, but I am only 33 weeks, and this has been going on for at least a month now, so I don't think it is related to early labour. This is why I haven't posted either...have very little energy!!!

I am sorry I cannot help much, I haven't said anything to my midwife either, because just like you, I get the " it's one of those things" answer, which does not help!
I am quite small normally, but have put on quite a bit of weight, so I thought that maybe it is the extra weight that gives my body such a hard time. I don't sleep well at all because of the pressure I feel when I am in bed, but I have found that 2 pillows put together inbetween my legs have made a difference lately...not fantastic but better!

Sorry I cannot give you a better answer than you MW, but hopefully knowing that someone else is in the same boat will make you feel better!

Ive felt the same way and hopefully one of us gets what we wnat sson, as the pain does hurt and become frusterating.
Good luck tous all xxx
Is the pain that's like when you need a poo actually in the same place as that pain as I had a really bad couple of mornings when I was about the same amount pregnant as you of crampy, spasmodic pain kind of where it would be if I were constipated and things were moving along if that's not TMI! It happened after I'd been to the loo so I was convinced one morning that it might be contractions. I actually tried walking to see if it was constipation and only got 5 mins from the house as I was in agony and the pain came in waves every minute or so. My DH was all for me calling the MW too but I just felt that the pain was in the wrong place somehow. I lay down and took some paracetamol and it went after a while and that's the crucial point I think. Contractions don't change with your position and they just get stronger, they don't go away.

Anyhow, I asked my MW about it and asked her whether it was just the baby pushing on my insides and she said yes and that was that. After that I ate even more bran and high fibre food than before as I was paranoid it would happen again (although I really wasn't constipated) and it didn't. If I thought it was coming on I went back to bed and that seemed to help. Thing is that the pain was really really bad and it freaked me out as I couldn't cope with it and was then terrified that come the real contractions I would lose it big time. This worried my DH as well as he was disturbed by how badly I coped with it too. Come my actual contractions though they were in the same place I have period pains and actually were not that bad. In fact I had gone 10 hours and they were coming every 2 mins before I felt that the actual level of pain was worse than my period cramps (mind you I have a feeling that I've been suffering those too much! If they're not better after all of this I'm getting proper painkillers for them!). I suppose my point is that sometimes it's easier to bear pain in one bit of your body than another. For me the really high intensity pains that I got when my baby was engaged were actually more painful than a contraction so try not to panic too much about how you'll cope with the labour and of course don't forget that come that happy event you'll have proper and good painkilling methods to hand not just paracetamol!

Hope it gets easier for you soon, do ask your midwife about it if you're worried though just to put your mind at rest
Duds said:
My main reason for this post is for a couple of hours the past few evenings im getting pretty bad pains what I can only describe as a real dragging pressure down below and the same kind of feeling you get when your dying for a poo but more intense, like a sharp cramping...
There seems to be no pattern to it & I did think it may be the start of labour but then it dissapears & also theres no peak & descent so Im pretty sure it isnt now.

Is anyone else feeling the same or is it just me having these problems?! :?


Hi Suzy,
I'm getting all of these things too at the minute. Everyone keeps saying they don't think i'll be long now and at first i was worried incase it was the start of labour. Now I think some of it is stretching and some of it is braxton hicks - because it sometimes gets worse when i'm walking etc.

Hope you feel better soon! keep us posted! x
Thanks so much for your replies guys - I feel better already, especially knowing that maybe the start of the real thing isnt as painful as what I felt & im not a complete pansie.
I spose you just panic a bit that nothings wrong as Iv never had an internal or anything (not that i want one!) so you dont know whats happening down there.

Spose we just have to "go with the flow" and get on with it.

I have been getting peroid type cramps/pains for about an hour now, they are starting to hurt, feel sick aswell :(

early night for me tonight if this carrys on i think
layla said:
I have been getting peroid type cramps/pains for about an hour now, they are starting to hurt, feel sick aswell :(

early night for me tonight if this carrys on i think

Hey, sounds like it could be that time .... I dont reakon you'll go full term if your others were early especially. Good luck
I dont think i will go full term, i went at 39 weeks on my other two so im hoping i follow the same pattern, dont think this is it tho, i have had a false start already, the midwife said my cervix has started to open and i have lost my show, but i know others who have had the same and still ended up having to be induced coz they went over.

i think its just my body being mean to me lol i will see how i go :)
Fingers crossed for you, Laila!!!

Hope it all hapens when you are ready for it! :D I have read you other thread where you say you don't want your pregnancy to be over yet!
Are you still feeling the same?

Mel xx
yeah, its hard to explain it fully tho, im dieing for Coby to come out now but not coz im fed up of being pregnant, its coz i want to meet him and see who he looks like etc.

we are going to try pretty much right away for our last child as long as this labour and birth goes ok, so fingers crossed i wont have long to wait before im pregnant again :)

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