pee'd off


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2005
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im hopeing some of you are the same as me right now coz i feel a bit bad about it.

I seem to be very pissed off about things at the mo, my OH is amazing and has been so suportive through out my pregnancy, at the mo, he is the only person im not getting annoyed with, everyone else, friends, family, even my kids :( im getting really annoyed at when they say or do the slightest things! even read some posts on here are making me mad and im having to bite my tongue, its crazy, i thought the hormal moody stage was over.

anyone else like this?? please say yes lol
your annoying me..................LOLOL only joking! ah that cheered me up lol

i dont feel like i need to cry, i feel like i need to scream and shout at someone, and its really stupid coz it could be over teh most tinyest things.

i will add you to msn now


Just said the same thing in another post. Today all I have been doing is moaning and I am having a go about everything. Feels like the whole world is against me. Time is dragging so much and everything anyone says in one way or another it pisses me off. Even when people are being kind it annoys me as well. I am really snappy and have been all through the pregnancy but now am noticing it alot more. Think I should just stay away from everyone till baby is born. My poor dad gets the brunt of it when he is just being nice. He just cooked me a massive meal and I moaned about how the hell I was meant to eat all that!

Is this normal when you are playing the waiting game?

I feel the same as you hun so I feel a bit better knowing you are the same as well. :)

hi emma,

im very inpaitent so i think thats prob why im like this, i have till Jan to wait for Coby to come out.

Plus im getting married in 3 weeks and there is still so much to do, im worried i wont get it done in time.

Im the same as you tho, some people can be really nice to me, and i think "why you being nice, what are you up to"
or some poeple will moan about ther elifes or suitations and i think" for gods sake shut up, its not that bad"

lol its horrible, i hate feeling like this but i cant help it, im glad your going through it too, not in a bad way of course, but it means we can moan together! lol
Hehehehhe, I moan to my mates and they are like "thanks Em I feel much better now" in a sarccy way!!! :)

You have got a lot on your plate haven't you. What with being stressed with pregnancy hormones and a wedding in two weeks I would be even worse!

I bet after the wedding you feel better. Just have to wait for little un then. Waiting waiting waiting - yawn :)

nooo kay hun, its not you at all.

your suitation is worthy of moaning, you have been through alot!
im glad its all sorted now tho :)

Must be me then as I am moaning on here all the time :shock: xxxx

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