Pcos, weight issues and TTC for 18 months; what should I expect?!


New Member
Apr 24, 2011
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Hi everyone,

I am new to this site just today so please be gentle with me :lol:

So im 27 and was diagnosed with pcos nearly a decade ago. I rarely have periods, I'm lucky if I get one a year without medical assistance. On top of that I am pretty overweight (actually technically obese I believe).

I came off the pill 18 months ago and had about 3 mega periods then back to nothing at all.

I have got myself a referral to the reproductive medicine clinic and am just wondering really what to expect - I know I will be advised to lose weight which I'm already concentrating on but was wondering if anyone knew what options there are for someone in my situation.

Thanks in advance for any help/info :)
Hello and welcome Sarily :)

We have just been learning about PCOS today, me and some of the other girlies - talk about coincidence!

I think it's an almost certainly that they will tell you to lose weight if you have a BMI over 30, if not then they might just suggest it to you.

Apparently simple carbs are your enemy. No more sugar, white bread/pasta/rice, alcohol and all the rest of that good stuff.

Stick to sweeteners and brown bread, rice and pasta, etc. If you do need to have a desert, have it after a meal.

You basically need to eat like a diabetic, so maybe get yourself a low GI cookbook :)
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Hello Louise and thank you :)

I did a lot of research into pcos when they first diagnosed it so I do know a lot of the things I'm sposed to do/eat to try and help with it (not saying that I stick to it all the time!!!).

To be honest the diets been going really well recently; I used to think there was absolutely no help for me ttc if I wasn't having periods but have heard from some people that there's quite a lot of options which has really spurred me on to take the weight loss seriously.

I guess I'm wondering if they'll want me to lose weight before offering any other medical help or if there's anything they might even be able to do straight away?!

Thanks again :flower:
I guess I'm wondering if they'll want me to lose weight before offering any other medical help or if there's anything they might even be able to do straight away?!

I think they'll give you clomid, but i don't have any personal experience with clomid.

They only have regulations regarding your BMI for IVF i think.
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Hi hun

I also have pcos and have done tonnes of research on it. A low calorie GI diet is recommended if your trying to lose weight, I think I have been lucky as my weight has never been much of an issue but I do suffer from other things such as irregular cycles and spots.

I recently had a appt with a fertility specialist and have been given clomid to try, they did weigh me and calculated my bmi, from what I have read from other pcos ladies you have to have a bmi of 30 or less to get prescribed clomid, to high a bmi and the clomid isn't as effective. I think some areas in the UK let you go as high as 35 but no more than that.

Def worth having a chat with your doctor about it hun xx
Try this website hun its for ladies with pcos and it has a forum section with loads of ladies going through the same thing, I have found it reallt helpful xx

Hiya :wave: and welcome to the forum
I also have pcos, I didn't have a period for nearly a year after coming off the pill. I don't suffer any of the side effects of PCOS - only the cysts.
I had ovarian drilliing in december and then was prescribed Metformin which is actually used for treatinng type2 diabetes but is also proven to encourage ovulation for women with pcos. I believe that they will encourage you to get your bmi within a healthy range, but there are various treatments they can use to treat you, so do not give up hope xx

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