Pattern for a 6 week year old


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2007
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Just wondering what your routine is for a 6 week year old. I'm struggling with getting my baby to sleep at night time she wants to stay up til at least 5am, she had Colic since Friday but we gave Infacol but still wont sleep at a normal time.

Please could you advise as I'm really tired and struggling to get through the days.
She seems to sleep for 30 mins then wakes up it's as if she has an alarm clock attached to her.

I kept her up today as much as I could and then gave her a bath at 7pm and then a feed since 7.30pm she has been asleep in her basket she has only got up once so far but I;ve dimmed the lights and lowered the volume on the TV, I can just about see what I'm typing!!

I just need to get her back to sleeping at a reasonably time so fingers crossed tonight may be the start.

We Take Lovella Up To Bed At 9pm & The OH Gives Her a Feed Then Swaddles Her & Puts Her In Her Moses Basket. She Sleeps Until 5am and Will Finally Wake At 9am-10am. We Have ALWAYS Kept The Room Dark & Silent and The OH Is Always The One To Give Her The 9pm Feed. She Knows The Difference Between Night & Day and Is Just Used To This Familiar Pattern So She Knows When Its Bedtime Really.

The OH Doesnt Feed Her Through The Day etc So She Knows Its Bedtime When He Gives Her That 9pm Bottle. It May Sound Silly Because Shes Only 6 Weeks Old But I Know She Knows :)
I give my little one her last feed at 10pm. I give her half, change her, then give her the last half in the dark in the bedroom where it's quiet. After she's finished I swaddle her in her sheet and put her in her basket. When she's wrapped in her sheet she knows it's bedtime. She will sometimes take a while to settle but I usually just leave her and she eventually goes to sleep. I've been doing this as soon as I got out of hospital. It took a couple of days for her to adjust. She wakes every 3-4 hours for a feed but will go straight down afterwards.
Hi there,

Mine LO is 7 weeks old and has been doing pretty much the same - awake from around 10pm to 4am, falls asleep on the breast, but wakes and starts crying as soon as I put him into his moses basket. Then is totally wide awake and wont settle.

He had been sleeping a lot in the daytime though, so the last few days I've been trying to keep him awake in the afternoons for s few hours... playing with him on his playgym on the floor, not feeding him the minute he starts crying for food, giving him a bath, then some time to kick about naked, then a baby massage.

The last 2 nights have been sooooo much better. I've just put him into a cot in his own room too - which has given me a better nights kip too as I'm not jerking awake every single time he snuffles or moves. Listening to him on the monitor gives me a better perspective of what type of noise he's making, and less inclined to get up at every single movement.

Hope it gets better for you soon hun.
Our routine is as follows....

09:00 – get up and get dressed
09:30 – breakfast boob
10:00 – nap
11:00 – up and play
12:00 – brunch boob
12:30 – nap
13:30 – up and play
14:30 – Lunch time boob
15:00 – nap
16:00 – up and play
17:00 – dinner boob
18:30 – nap
19:30 – up, play and bath
20:30 – night night boob
21:00 – story book and bed

She doesn't stick to it mind...not the sleeping and playing bit...but she does feed at the right times. Once in bed thats it...she doesn't come out the room. it doesn't have much light in there...its quiet and she really notices the difference... if we go in there and boobie feed she will drop off immediately.. Also there is a bath, foot massage, night dresses and a story which are all signals that the end of the day is coming. Babies really need those physical signals.

if you are having trouble establishing a routine.. then try and write down a routine you feel is suitable to your needs. Its much easier to go by something written down than something in your head. Usually if you can get the feeding into a routine, naps and playing will follow suit.

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