Party Vodka (or similar) drinks


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2006
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Im after some vodka drinks to make for my party, any ideas??

OH tried to make a vodka watermelon, I got home from work yest and it was all over the kitchen, fuck knows what he did but it had exploded :rotfl: now we need to try again ''apparently'' anyone else done this successfully?

Also going to make skittles vodka

Someone told me abuot actually making vodka sweets to eat (leave the vodka to soak over sweets) but me and oH think they will melt.

Any other ideas?

doesnt have to include vodka, just alcohol! :rotfl:
Vodka jelly? OH and I got embarrassingly drunk on them in Hong Kong once :oops: :lol:
Try looking at as has loads of cocktail ideas on there.

Also you could try apple martini which is vodka and apple scnapps.
wow how did the vodka watermelon explode??
thats mad! lovvve vodka watermelon :D :D
yeah vodka jelies are a good one- or put coloured sherbert in the bottom of a shot glass..a little bit of vodka and then something like peach shnapps or blue caracoa(sp) even..makes pretty and (tasty) shooters!
ooh and try absolut raspberry vodka with orange/pinneapple juice..its yummy and pretty!

sorry the edits were me correcting my bad typing :-)
oo yeah vodka Jelly(babies) lol yummy

Apparently its because he put to much vodka in or something (he had put half a bottle (1ltr) and was trying for more :roll: ) I think i shall be incharge of the next one!

cheers for the idea fran and cheers for the site saski ill check it out. And you reminded me of appletinis which is vodka and apple sours now that is scrummy
My hubby makes his own flavoured vodkas with sweets -

Chop the sweets up tiny and add to the vodka.
He's made loads.... skittle, strawberry sherbet, aero (so good, like milkshake!!).... god loads!!
SarahH said:
My hubby makes his own flavoured vodkas with sweets -

Chop the sweets up tiny and add to the vodka.
He's made loads.... skittle, strawberry sherbet, aero (so good, like milkshake!!).... god loads!!

oh god my friend is a barman and he makes the best oreo cookie cocktails- they are soo nice that you don't realise how potent they are and your drunk before you can say make some!! hehe
You need to leave the funnel in the watermelon and add vodka very slowly over a couple of days :D
Minxy said:
You need to leave the funnel in the watermelon and add vodka very slowly over a couple of days :D

tee hee so half a bottle in a couple of hours is not the way forwards. He is such a muppet. I told him to look online before he did it, but he knows best you know :roll:
PArty Vodka is really simple.

Open bottle.
Put in straw.
I used to make flavoured vodka but putting boiled sweets in the bottle, putting the lid back on and sticking it in the dishwasher.

Colla cube vodka was excellent! So was parmaviolet. Mmmmm and Edinburgh rock!

*Runs to stop for sweeties and vodka*

watermelom is in the process of developing properly now I have done it - if you want some thing doing do it yourself and all that lol

and we forgot skittles and Jelly babies when we went shopping :roll: but seen as we got a load of wham bars (for the old skool sweets bowl lol) we shoved 5 in a bottle of absoloute vodka. there melting nicley and it smells devine, think a little lemonade needs to be added though lol


cant wait to try it!! YUMMY WHAM BAR VODKA

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