Paronoid :(


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2011
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I don't know if this is pregnancy related or not but i feel seriously paranoid at the moment that my OH is keeping something from me. As some of you know, we've had problems in the past with his gambling addiction and he has been known to keep secrets and lie about money. But he assures me he's not doing that anymore and has managed to pay the rent/bills etc so i can't really complain/accuse. I just can't shake off this nagging feeling that he's keeping a secret. I even thought it might be another girl but i have literally no evidence or reason to think this whatsoever and he took serious offense when i even mentioned it.

I feel like i'm going nutty :( i think it could be pregnancy hormones making me feel anxious and protective of our little family unit but he still makes me worry. Whenever i go near him he seems to switch whatever page hes looking at on his laptop off, he seems to be on his phone a lot (but thats normal) and i just get this feeling that somethings not right. I've told him my worries and he says that there is nothing. Do you guys think that female intuition is usually right or am i just being over sensitive and paranoid because of the pregnancy? :( xxx
I work on the basis that if OH is hiding something he acts really guilty and I nag him til he tells me what it is.

We have had problems before where he has said he had a job and he would go to 'work' everyday but he actually didn't!!! he used to go sit in the library all day.... this makes me nervoud and paranoid and I actually do take him to work now everyday just to make sure :) how's that for paranoia.

I do think our hormones like playing tricks on us as well though and if there have been issues before it's like they know what to pick on .... Stoopid hormones, it depends how much you trust that he is telling you the truth now as to whether you believe him :)

:hugs: though xxxx
Do you think that maybe yes he is hiding something from you but it's not actually bad? The pages that disappear on his laptop might not be anything sinister at all, there are therapy and support sites for gambling just the same as we have here for pregnancy, maybe he's joined one of them but is too ashamed to admit it. It's just a thought hun.

I am sure you would have noticed if he was gambling again and trust takes so long to build up once it's been destroyed, no-one could ever blame you for being suspicious. Maybe you need to give him the benefit of the doubt, it sounds like he's trying hard to make amends.

Pregnancy hormones suck hunny, they make us weird and irrational (even more so than normal lol) xxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you ladies. I really do feel bad for giving him such a hard time but i can't shake off this feeling, it's bothering me. He's starting to get cross with me now though and insists he's not hiding anything. Grr pregnancy hormones do suck! And so does suspicion. I feel like i really can't trust my own judgement at the moment and thats a horrible feeling. If i'm right and he is hiding something then shame on him for making me question myself like this!

Great to see you in tri 3 btw BellaRiven :) xx
Hun I don't think anyone could blame you for being suspicious, I totally would be too. It's very difficult to know what to say, I think you just need to see how it goes if he is hiding something bad he will mess up unfortunately but at least you would know you aren't going mad xxxxxxxx
It is totally normal to feel like you are as BB said before ethe trust needs to be rebuilt, but none of us are perfect :)

It's awesome being in Tri 3 lol :)

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