Not liking school


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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Mason hates school :(

He's always moaned about having to go, but since hes been in year 2 its got a lot worse. He cries in the morning when he has to go in, and tells me all the time he hates his teacher cos she shouts all the time.

I look at the other kids laughing and running in the door and I just wish Mason would be happy there. He's such a sensitive boy I think he really gets nervous when the teacher shouts (she has a reputation for it)
The teacher says he's fine when he goes in but whenever we talk about school all he says is he hates it so much he doesn't want to go anymore.

Anyone been in a similar situation?
i would go and share your concearns with the head teacher and his class teacher hun and see what they say, there may be another reason y he doesnt like it, there is a big jump from year one to year 2 work wise because the are focused on sats in may and this might be this thats upsetting him, it does a few children
I wondered that but he's one of the cleverest in the class according to his teacher and is in the top groups for literacy and numeracy, even though he's one of the youngestl

If it carries on I will talk to his teacher, not that she'll be able to do much I guess :(
to be honest hun being the cleaverest is not always a good thing because those are the ones they put the most pressure on for good grades, looks good for g&t, i taught this age group for 2 years before i had Hannah and the poor little mights were put under so much pressure, thats y i will insist that Hannah does no sats when she goes to school
Aww poor little thing, it's heart breaking isn't it?
I would suggest going straight to see the head teacher as obviously speaking to his class teacher hasn't changed anything and if she is very shouty she won't like to be told and would bet she hasn't stopped

hope it gets better x
Best not show him this then...

That's one way to get out of school!

Is there only just one class per year group? If there is more than one class, maybe he could be moved into the other? Just thinking what I would do if I had a child in my class in that situation? Maybe give them a special job to do like unstacking all the chairs in the morning or getting the tables ready with pencils?
Kylie1007 said:
Is there only just one class per year group? If there is more than one class, maybe he could be moved into the other? Just thinking what I would do if I had a child in my class in that situation? Maybe give them a special job to do like unstacking all the chairs in the morning or getting the tables ready with pencils?

There are 2 classes but all his friends are in his current class.

I was also wondering if he could go in a little earlier in the morning and do a little job like that to prepare him. He hates the squash and the rush to get in the doors with everyone else.

Thanks for the ideas :)
Harrison had the same problem in reception, because his teacher shouted alot also, although she wasn't shouting at him, mainly other kids and the class as a whole Harrison used to get nervous as he isn't used to being shouted at or seeing people shouting.
I had a quiet word with his teacher on a parents evening and told her my concerns, she never admitted to being a loud moth

When he moved into year 1 he loved it, and he loves his teacher, i admit she is a lovely woman and not one to raise her voice either.

I would suggest speaking to the head teacher and telling her why you think mason doesn't like school, she will then speak to the teacher which saves you having to tell her.
I have already had a word with the teacher... more than once.
I have said he has told me she shouts at him a lot and that she called him a "cry baby" cos he didn't want face paint.
She denied calling him a cry baby, didn't really mention the shouting.

I was dreading him starting in her class TBH cos I have heard about her months ago about how much she shouts etc. Other parents have been to the head about it but she's always been the same.
AW poor Mason
If other parants have complaints i would try and set up a meeting with the head then he/she has to take you seriously.
You really don't want it to turn into a battle to get him to school and the head should be very understanding of that

Also have a look at ofsted report and see if anything is mentioned in there
If they are not taking you seriuously i suppose a last resort could be to contact ofsted and see what advice they can give you
wow i just only noticed this bit just wanted to say jakes the same he says he doesnt like school and he clings to me i dont have any advice but just thought id say im in the same boat and i know how it feels i hate seeing my liitle man upset and i thought hed really enjoy school xx :hug:
jo said:
AW poor Mason
If other parants have complaints i would try and set up a meeting with the head then he/she has to take you seriously.
You really don't want it to turn into a battle to get him to school and the head should be very understanding of that

Also have a look at ofsted report and see if anything is mentioned in there
If they are not taking you seriuously i suppose a last resort could be to contact ofsted and see what advice they can give you

I've heard that many many parents in the past have complained about her, and she obviously hasn't changed :?

On the plus side, he seems to have settled down a lot. He hasn't clung to me for a week or so, I'm hoping he was just struggling to settle back after the Christmas hols.

The one bit of advice I have for people in the same boat is I have noticed last year when he was like it, that something to look forward to really helps, like a friend coming round for tea after school, or taking something in for "show and tell" etc.

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