Parenthood = guilt


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2005
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Anyone else feel like this? Some examples of my dilemmas....
How much time should i spend 'playing' with my baby without overstimulating her? or should i just let her sit in her chair and look around? If i do that she might get bored etc etc
When they are both crying, who do i comfort first?! I hate that one...
Waking in the night for feeds, I always feel like oh god here we go again (how horrible am I?!)
If she is crying, she could be hungry, should I feed her or wait until the suggested 3 hours have gone by since last feed? Is that depriving her or teaching her a routine?
Etc etc etc and so the list goes on. It seems every decision I make is tinged with some form of guilt, guilt if I do, and guilt if I don't!!! ARGH!! By the way I'm not looking for answers, we'll struggle along, but just wondered if anyone else feels the same or just gets on with it without these feelings?
im excatly the same, i try and have some playtime with willow everyday bvut i never know how much.

plus willow is at an age now 4 months when she is getting interested in things but cannot yet sit up and she hates laying down, i cant wait til she can sit up on her own.
I feel loads of guilt every day - and it does my head in!! Kate is nearly nine months old now and not a day goes by without me wondering if I have played with her enough/fed her the right food/etc etc. I really wish I could relax a bit more but I cant, and now she expects attention all of the time meaning I cant get hardly anything done while she is awake, I know its cos she is used to having me at her beck and call constantly (the phrase 'rod for own back' springs to mind!) - its exhausting!!

Try and chill out, she will be fine - learn from my mistakes! :D
In my personal opinion the quick answer is yes OverTheMoon, Parenthood = guilt :roll: Then you feel guilty for feeling guilty, like the thought should have never entered your head to start with, but I also think new Mummys can be very hard in themselves too, a baby is NOT easy, and once you spend more time focusing on the GOOD times you spend with them and less on the crying bits for example, you DO start to feel better I think :D
BIG hugs OverTheMoon :hug:
Yes I agree, I usually feel guilty about something I've done or not done. :?
i feel exactly the same, my mum told me before i gave birth that to be a mother you are guilty. No matter what. ( :shock: ) - i can already see where she was coming from lol.

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