Paranoid worry about ovulation.


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2007
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For some reason I have got it onto my head I don't ovulate regularly. I have no evidence for this and I am just being silly I guess. Is it possible that some woman miss the odd month here and there perhaps due to stress etc. Its probably still too early in my cycle, but I bought myself the ClearBlue ov thingy and started testing today (CD10) but now I am scared I am not going to ovulate at all.

Why am I being so silly. Some of you have been ttc for ages so I feel guilty for worrying over nothing and I am being really stupid. Sorry.

Perhaps because I have battled anxiety issues for the last 3 years to get here whilst bringing up my daughter and now I am I am scared something is going to ruin it :wall: Probably my silly anxieties coming back and its the last thing I want to happen.

Oh well.
Sorry - feel better for getting that off my chest :)
Hi hun, you're not being silly at all. I think we all have those fears from time to time. I remember the first time I started using the opk's I thought the exact same thing and dreaded doing them each day. But, thankfully, I do ovulate so that's one less thing to worry about! They are really helpful in figuring out your cycle.

Thanks Hannah, :hug: sometimes I feel cramping when I ovulate, but not every month, I am guessing thats more to do with being busy and just not noticing than it not happening, but I have never felt it on my right side only my left. I just keep reading into things that aren't there to be read.

What am I gunna be like in a few months. A jibbering wreck no doubt :rotfl:

Now that I hev 3 pregnant friends all due in Aug I guess it doesn't help much either - can't get away from it :lol:
It's only natural to worry about things like that. We all have our silly secret worries that we don't want to admit to anyone else.

But if you DON'T ovulate regularly they can treat that with hormones can't they? I hear that lack of ovulation is one of the simpler issues.

Don't worry too much (easier said than done of course ;)) and good luck POAS :)

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