Panicking-went to MW


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2007
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I can feel myself getting really worked up about this and i've already been on the phone to the midwife this morning! :oops:

For the last 2 days, even through the night, i've been feeling LOTS of pops and thumps.
Last night it stopped around 7pm, and I kept waking up in the night and never felt anything then either. I've been awake since 5 and there has been nothing.

Like I say, I'm getting really worried. Has anyone else had a similar thing?

Midwife said if I don't feel anything by later in the day to phone back and I can go in and they will listen.

i didnt feel either of mine move for the first time till i was 22 weeks hun so i wouldnt worry to much the movements are so small
I was the same, baby moved every morning after brekkie, lunch after food and while watching tv at night

Yesterday i didnt feel anything and i was soooo worried, so i had a cup of coffee as soon as i got home (guaranteed to make my bubba move :lol: ) and sure enough he / she started

THEN last night after i'd gone to bed i actually felt a proper kick - it was very strange
Nothing again today, even thought ive had brekkie

Your baby can move and turn towards your back then his kicks etc wont be felt
Dont panic hun - its a bit early to be counting kicks just yet
Hi Kmac. I'm due the same time as you and I'm not feeling any movements really. Try not to worry, I mentioned to the consultant at my last appointment and she assured me that i should start to feel movements by 22 - 24 weeks. If you haven't felt anything by this afternoon, do call your midwife as she suggested, just to ease your worry, but I am sure everything will be ok. :hug:

I worry myself that I don't feel any movement yet, but it could be do to with the way the baby is lying, the placenta and where it is situated, so many different things. Have some of these, your not alone in your worry :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: and it's completely natural.
Hiya! I posted something very similar this time last week - my wife had been having loads of kicks, and as she was 24 weeks they were quite strong. Then they just stopped for a day. We were about to call the midwife and then LO started kicking again. Try not to worry - you will have times when there wont be kicks - on the other hand, that is what midwives are there for. If you are worried, speak to them, and I am sure all will be ok

Its very normal especially as you are only 20 or so weeks. Your baby had lots of room to move around still and can turn and face the other way and be kicking into your placenta so you won't feel anything. And then can decide to stay there for a fair while (days in my case with my LO around that time).

If your MW is happy to have a listen then nip in and see her and put your mind at rest.

But do try to learn to relax a bit about movements changing. It happens so often in pregnancy and just as you get used to them moving one place, they go change round :) Before you know it your LO will be pounding hell out of you and you'll be wishing for them to go to sleep in there so that you nod off as well :lol: My LO used to wake up at about 3am in there and kick the crap out of me for 2-3 hours every night from about 30 weeks onwards :wall:

Thanks for all your replies.
I feel a bit calmer now.
I have felt a couple of slight pops since I posted, although nothing very noticeable.
I don't have a doppler although I had been thinking about getting one. My concern is I would be listening every 5 minutes and probably worrying even more!
At least I go back to work tomorrow so I won't just be sitting around waiting to feel something and I will have my mind occupied by something else. I'm going to see how it goes over the next few hours, and ring the mw back if I'm still not sure.
Thanks again for your replies, I don't know what I would do without this forum! :hug:
I'm almost 25w and I don't feel a lot of the baby moving due to my size, I've only been feeling any movement for a couple of weeks anyways. I now use my doppler to listen for kicks and movements instead of heartbeat and that has been such a good thing as it has stopped me worrying.

If you still worried this afternoon just give your MW another ring as she said. That's what they are their for after all!

Sarah xxx
Yes, I can go for a day without any proper kicks too. I do find though that they are particularly unco-operative if you actually try to make them kick! Neil still hasn't felt baby - he can be kicking away and as soon as Neil puts his hand on my tummy - nothing. Followed by Neil prodding and poking and trying to get me to drink cold fizzy drinks (and still no joy!) :rotfl:
It is worrisome when you dont feel babs often! Im glad you feel calmer now and have felt some movement! My LO must have turned around last week for a couple of days and she hardly moved and I was worried too! Though it is normal my mum lost my sister and the reason she knew was because she hadnt feel her move! :( So Im always inclined to say to people if you have felt nothing all day and tried all the usual things to help feel movement then just go get checked over!
Not every movement your baby will make you will feel.

Ie at you 20wk scan baby will be jiggling and rolling about and turning but you don't feel it, its only when they are certain places and move in certains ways...

Try not to worry yourself, also remember babies need their kip so whilst you're out here worrying baby might be kicking back having a nice long snooze whilst growing...

:hug: :hug:
Just a little update - I still hadn't felt much today and I hate to think what state i would have got myself into this evening - so I rang MW and they told me just to go round. She found baby's heartbeat easily and said everything seems fine :D
I can't tell you how relieved i was, I had a bit of a cry! At least I will know the next time i have a quiet day not to get in a tizz!! Thanks for all your replies xxx
I hardly felt anything until 22 weeks and its only now i really feel things regually. Im surprised your midwife is concerned as i thought you didnt start paying real attention until about 24 weeks?

Im sure everything is absolutely fine.

Claire x
Really glad that you were able to hear your baby's heartbeat, what a reassurance. :hug: :D
Thanks girls :hug:
nori - the MW wasn't concerned, it was just to put my mind at ease! :)

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