Panicking. Can't find a child minder!


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2011
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Some of you may remember, a while back I posted saying that my Dad and his wife had offered to look after the baby for us when I was first pregnant and then suddenly pulled out a couple of months ago. Well, I have been trying to find a suitable childminder of nursery ever since and I'm having a nightmare. My aunt, who has retired has very kindly offered to help out for two days a week for free so that will help us massively but we still need to fill the other 3 days. I went to have a look at a nursery up the road from our house about 4 weeks ago but it was £6.15 per hour (£43.05/day, £129.15/week) with no meals included and they don't take the children on outings or anything. The nursery/pre-school that Lennon went to was much nicer, probably around the same price, but it was a brand new purpose built building, the children were provided with 3 meals a day (lunch and dinner both cooked) and they were taken on outings to the park, walks, swimming and when old enough, French lessons. It was so lovely. We can't take the baby there though as I want baby looked after from 8.15-3.30pm (school hours) but that nusery charge you for a morning 7.30-1pm, an afternoon 1-6pm or the whole day so we would be paying a fortune for 3 full days (£65.50/day, £196.50/week). I've spoken to 3 childminders so far and none of them have space and another one I phoned just never seems to answer her phone. I thought I had sorted one and was really happy as she was my original first choice (the girl that used to look after Lennon at the lovely nursery) but she's come back to me this morning and said she has the vacancy now and cannot wait until April to take on another child (cost £5.50/hour, £39.88/day, £119.64/week).

I just don't know what to do. I have a list of registered childminders but I've been through all the addresses of the ones who do have room for a baby and there is litterally only 1 who would be suitable (a couple of them live in dodgy estates and a couple of them live in tiny one way streets which have no parking and get extremely busy at work times as they are right in the town centre so they would be a nightmare in the mornings).

I'm just getting so fed up with this, I don't know what else to do. I could cry. I feel so worried that I am running out of time and still don't have anything sorted and no light at the end of the tunnel either. I feel really trapped that we are going to have to end up with someone we don't like or trust :cry::cry::cry:
One of my friends is a childminder. I could ask if she has space? X
Aw Hun if you lived by me I would gladly mind your lo for you. I'm thinking of minding kids a as extra income and b because I love children . Hope you get it sorted xxx
Childcare is such a nightmare. Don't panic yet though, maybe leave the search for a week or two so your not stressing then go back through all the options and try again, you still have until April so something might come up by then. Can you change your working hours or cut your days at all? Sometimes we just have to take the financial hit with childcare and pay more than we want too to get the place we want and cut back else where, it's not forever after all. Most important thing is your happy to leave your child with who you pick, I'd rather spend more and have piece of mind.
No, can't cut my working hours as we just can't afford it (mortgage is £1300 per month alone and life assurance £170). That why we also need to spend as little as possible on childcare as to start spending over £600 a month on that too is just going to kill us and I can't see where we could cut out £600 worth of spending each month as we don't really have anything now.

We've just re-mortgaged the house this week too (we started the application in May when my Dad and his wife were offering us free childcare).
look for a local surestart centre alot of them have nurseries, my daughter went to one, they take them on from about 6wks till 5 yrs

her one had all meals included was 8.30till 6 and 31 pounds a day or 135 a week at the time
I live in Guernsey hun, we don't have Surestart :(

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