Panicked about Labour


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2008
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Up until now I have been nervous but pretty reasonable about the whole idea of going through labour and birth (apart from one time when I couldn't stop crying after reading about some very horrible tearing), but last night I was sleeping pretty well and I suddenly woke up nearly having a panic attack about it. I don't know if it will happen again, but the whole thing has made me think about it even more, and I am starting to realise how scared I am. I tend to start to panic when I can't control my breathing and I am really scared that I am going to have a full on panic attack when I should be concentrating on delivering my baby. I know everyone says it, but I'm also not convinced I can handle it.

I am planning on a drug-free birth despite this because I tend to have bad reactions to nearly all pain medications. I had gas and air from the dentist before and reacted very badly, and I even was sick and nearly passed out once when given a local anaesthetic!

I guess everyone has this feeling to some extent, but can anyone tell me what they do to manage it?
I posted a thread a month or so back saying I was well scared about labour. I did the whole thing pretty much without pain relief and was so proud of myself for getting through it. Yes, it's painful and it's not easy but your body WILL cope. We're built to do it! :cheer:

I only had gas and air and didn't find it made me sick - but equally it didn't numb the pain AT ALL for me. I recommend a water birth for pain relief, it's the best thing ever :hug:
I think it'd be strange if we didn't worry!
I think that the moment you know you're in labour instincts will kick in and you will get that determination that women in labour have - to get their baby out! You'll be motivated by getting to meet your LO very soon!

Our bodies are designed to do this and they know how to get the baby out!

You will be fine :) I promise xxxxx
i get moments when im petrified but there is no turning back now, baby has to come out and im sure he/she will be worth anything i have to go through :D
Have you read the sticky thread at the top of 3rd tri "ways to cope in labour"?

Theres some really useful info on there about breathing techniques, might be useful and calming to have a quick read through.
I am majorly panicking about the labour. It wasn't until I got into 3rd tri that I started to think 'hey I am going to give birth soon.... which means labour!!' You are definately not on your own! :hug: I am just trying not to think about it for now, which is easier said than done.
:hug: :hug: its normal to worry i get flashes of panic somethimes but to be honest it still feels alien that it will actually happen somehow that Colliers going to stay in there forever
dont know how to descibe it :think: :think:

try to put it out of your mind foe nw and concentrate on whats happening with you now enjoy the rest of you pregnancy :hug:

sarah :wave:
I keep worrying about tearing (selfish i know) im not too worried about pain, i keep looking at it that it'll only be for a short time then Tally will be here, i think its the unknown that scares me.

And i've started having worries about whether i'll be ok with baby, like when i'm really tired i think god i cant be bothered to do anything and what if i feel like this when shes here.

Mainly though i just feel like i'll get through it either way, even if only because i have to

Quite normal to panic about labour but if it's starting to get out of hand then I strongly recommend you talk you your doctor or midwife about it. I'm very scared of labour this time but this is mainly due to the hard time I had with Joanna, I want to go with just gas and air because I know I recover quicker and so does baby and bounding begins straight away however i'm open minded and if need be then i'll go with more pain relieve. I'm totally petrified of the labouring experience BUT there's not a lot any of us can do about it now so pointless really getting in a state about it because whether you remain calm and collected or lose control you're still going to have to give birth and actually getting all stressed about it will only result in perhaps negativity during labour perhaps causeing you to have a section and yes whilst this elliminates the pain of the pushing baby out vaginally the recover takes much longer I found.
Your body will also take over on the day and you'll have a lovely out of body experience :rotfl: No i'm joking kind of but you do kind of let your body go and let it get on with things.
Have you thought about trying a Tens machine? Mine was a life saver, I ended up being fully dilated once I got to the hospital - it was the only thing that got me through it!

Have you thought about a water birth also? I wanted one, but was too far gone when I got to the hospital, there was no way I was moving off that bed! The urge to push was too strong.

I had gas and air until I started pushing, but to be honest, once I started pushing I didn't actually breathe it, just bit down on the mouth piece which helped tremendously! (My jaw caned for 2 days after though haha).

I had a small tear, but I didn't feel it happen. I only had to have stitches because I have a condition which affects my skin & healing.

I was petrified of giving birth - its the fear of the unknown. But believe me, it was so much better than I imagined, and I would go through labour again without a second thought (though not for a few years, Phoebe is keeping me too busy!) - going through another pregnancy though... thats another thing altogether, I'd rather go through labour than 9 months of being sick and SPD :rotfl:

You'll be fine - I know its hard to believe, but its true! I was also surprised at how normal I felt afterwards - even the bleeding wasn't as bad as I thought it would be (after a few days).

:hug: :hug:

I felt like you did right up until the last few weeks, then I was so fed up, I just wanted her out. Once I was in labour, I didn't give it another thought! You are too busy breathing through contractions etc.
I think a big part of my problem is that there are so many unknowns. I have only seen the midwife once and I felt very rushed. I had written in my notes that I wanted to ask about where to have the baby but when she was reading to herself she said something like "plenty of time for that." I want to ask questions about facilities and things because I know absolutely nothing about what it is like here in Dundee and don't know anyone who has had a baby recently enough to be able to let me know. They're building a midwife led unit here and keep saying it "might" be done in time, which probably means it won't, but I have no way of knowing. There are midwife units in the region, but they're too far away so it looks like my only options are home and Ninewells. I don't think I want to stay home because I live in a brand new flat and I think I would be too worried leading up to it about my neighbours, and I have no idea about anything Ninewells has or offers!
moss said:
I am planning on a drug-free birth despite this because I tend to have bad reactions to nearly all pain medications. I had gas and air from the dentist before and reacted very badly, and I even was sick and nearly passed out once when given a local anaesthetic!

Awwww have a few of these :hug: :hug: :hug:

I think what you are experiencing is natural. You also have some uncertainty about where you can give birth so are not able to focus on it and get things straight in your mind so to speak. I think once you are informed and have taken the hospital tour, researched homebirth and MW led unit etc, and settled on something you'll feel better.

I'd be a bit more insistant with your MW next appointment. Don't let her fob you off and don't leave the room till you have some more info that helps you. She might be rushed, but you have a right to ask and a right to an answer or some information to guide you.

My homebirth was great, I could not recommended one enough :) but I realise its not for everyone. I think mentally you have to really want one and to embrace it fully (and keep an open mind should you need to visit the hospital to deliver for whatever reason etc) And the pain relief options are more limited that in hospital but if you know this going in, you do get through it. Strangely I could not imagine having something like an Epi having delivered my little boy now. It never ever got to that point that I felt I needed that kind of relief.

I used a TENS machine, but tbh, only for all the pre labour niggles on a very low setting and then in the first stage for a few hours up to a mid level setting. I found it didn't take away the pain, just provided a distraction and got me through each contraction till I got in the pool. But they are good and its worth trying one :)

Water is amazing pain relief so if your hospital or wherever has that facility I'd look to using it. I did a few hours in the pool with no other pain relief and finally caved and had gas and air for the last bit before I was fully dilated and then when I was pushing LO out. Not so much as it took any pain away, but more it gave me something to focus on, breathe in deeply and then squatted down to push.
Looking back now I actually think that labour was the easiest part of the whole process! :lol:
I have done it all before....but it was 6 years ago now.

I posted a thread when i was in tri 2 about my pushing phobia.

So, sometimes it is the unknown that scares us. Other times it is our previos experience.

But now, at this stage....having had such a stressful pregnancy, I would give anything to go in tolabour and push the baby out.

My labour was back to back and long. However, I would do all again. was mainly on gas and air (and a shot of pethidine that didnt work)....You are not scared once labour starts. It feels natural and right.

Not many people tear too badly. Maybe you need to take to raspberry leaf....get some massages in quickly and listen intently to what the midwife says when you are pushing.

GOOD LUCK :hug: :hug: :hug:

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