Pancake flipping technique?


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2008
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What's your technique?

I couldn't wait till Tuesday and had to make some pancakes tonight, i am proper bad at flipping them though, one ended up in pieces on the hob!

I lovvvveee pancakes yummmmm!
Im not sure i have a technique as such i tend to just flip it and it will end up in a heap in the pan
i just launch it and see what happens.....usualy a rank undercooked mess :lol: :lol:
Slide it to the front adn then flip, probs will still be a mess but it's worth a go :wink:
According to my DD I am a 'champion tosser'.... I'm pretty certain she meant it in the pancake flipping way...... :oops:

I don't even attempt it until when you jiggle the pan the whole pancake moves around. Then you know it's cooked on that side.

Then I tilt the pan down until almost half is hanging off the end....(this is harder to explain then I thought it would be lol) and then you just flip.

I have tried doing it just with a flat pan but it's impossible! It's the tilted bit that seems to make it work. I have shown friends and they now do it this way but it sounds rubbish advice when written down sorry!
nissa said:
According to my DD I am a 'champion tosser'.... I'm pretty certain she meant it in the pancake flipping way...... :oops:

I don't even attempt it until when you jiggle the pan the whole pancake moves around. Then you know it's cooked on that side.

Then I tilt the pan down until almost half is hanging off the end....(this is harder to explain then I thought it would be lol) and then you just flip.

I have tried doing it just with a flat pan but it's impossible! It's the tilted bit that seems to make it work. I have shown friends and they now do it this way but it sounds rubbish advice when written down sorry!
:rotfl: :rotfl: This is what I was trying to say lol
I think we wrote these at the same time sam.... you chose a nice simple explanation unlike me! :rotfl: :rotfl:
nissa said:
I think we wrote these at the same time sam.... you chose a nice simple explanation unlike me! :rotfl: :rotfl:
lol no I choose the tipsy approach and lazy too :wink:
Ive never even attempted to flip a pancake. Might try on Tuesday. Hmmmm :pray:
Mmmm, pancakes. Nom nom nom.

As for technique, simply ensure that the pancake is sliding around freely and is properly done on the underside and then toss. Do the toss quickly with a determined flick of the wrist and 9 times out of 10 it lands well, in my experience :)

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