Pale baby


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2014
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My baby has been and still is very very pale. I wasn't too worried as just assumed that's her skin colour and that's that, but as time has gone on and as more people mention it I'm starting to worry. Does anyone else have pale babies? She is literally white in colour. She seems healthy enough, feeds well, relatively content, wees and poops (though a little constipated due to gaviscon). But basically she seems fine, temp is fine, she's just very very pale. I read online it could be iron deficiency but she feeds on 5 x 7oz bottles of Hipp Organic a day - surely that supplies the iron?

I am the Queen of Anxiety so hopefully it's nothing right? Just her colour...
What's her colouring like in comparison to the rest of your family? I'm really fare skinned and my eldest is a red head so the pair of us are as pale as anything! My youngest seems to have been blessed with his dad's warmer skin tone.

If you're concerned about it, mention it to the HV or GP. But like you I would have thought formula would supply the right amount of iron. There's also other symptoms of iron deficiency like dark shadows around the eyes.
Thanks. We are quite a pale family but we all look like we've got a nice tan compared to her....

I'll ask the HV on Tuesday when I take her for a weigh-in. I don't want to take her to GP for no reason.
My daughter was born severely anaemic and needed a blood transfusion a few hours after birth. One of the key signs was paleness but that was only one sign out of multiple! She had a v low temp of 34", her reflexes were very week, she barely cried and struggled to feed. She's now 2.6 and although a iron levels are much better they are still on the low side of normal but she doesn't seem particularly pale instead has my family's olive skin. So being pale may not necessarily indicate an iron deficiency. If you were really concerned I would see your gp and they might suggest a blood test to see if there is anything untoward.
It sounds like she's doing fab and is just fair skinned.x
My daughter was always very very pale as a baby and still is quite pale now. I used to freak out when she was asleep as she went even paler (if that was even possible) and once I even woke her to check she was ok!
Thank you everyone. I think I will ask the HV about it on Tuesday and see what they suggest. When I got her up from her nap she was practically white :-( Hopefully she is just a very fair skinned girl.

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