

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2007
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I have woke up today with a throbbing tugging feeling more like a dull ache behind by belly button area its been annoying me all day. Its a really odd sensation and feels really quite strange, i know its not the baby moving as its too early.

Im not worried about it just curious really i thought its probaly stretching pains just thought its a bit high up for that.

Anyone else had this?
It would be early if this is your first baby but it's not unheard of. I think it very dependent on how 'in tune' you are with your body. I'm only a couple of days ahead of you and I think I can feel the first flutterings but this is my third and I guess in subsequent pregnancies you know what to look our for.

Alternatively it could just be stretching, when I had my scan they looked just to the left and right of my belly button so maybe uterus is higher than we think. :eek: .
I felt first movement at 13+2 and this is my first PG. Although you wouldn't feel it that high up, it's only just above your pubic area at 13 weeks.
As nice as it would be i really don't think its the baby im sure its just growing pains but you never know.

Fingers Crossed - it must of been lovely feeling baby that early.
i get that pain all the time. its like the area around my belly button goes tight and really sensitive and painful.
i get it about once a week now n it isn't nice :( :hug:

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