Pains before you went into labour


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2007
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Since Monday when I started getting my show I have been having pains which I am told is baby getting his head into position (but feel to me more like contractions because they build up in intensity and I get them anywhere from every twenty minutes to every five minutes).

Has anyone else had this before actual labour has started ?
Could they not be braxton hicks?? I never had them so I dont really know how they feel but I do know they can hurt and are like contractions but not as regular!?
They aren't Braxton Hicks these started after I started with my show on Monday.
i had a membrane sweep yesterday afternoon and since last night i have had my 'show' start, and pains which seem to be very regular.

How much 'show' are you supposed to have? it feels like iv had loads!!

The pains im having feel like contractions around the lower abdomen/groinal area which come and go, but it feels worse when standing up. Its not Braxton Hicks, as these are really painful. Not sure what is going on, or wether to phone the hospital?

Really sympathise with you.

I'm due today, and am fed up!!!
yes i had pains similar to contractions in that they were in the same place and they were frequent and felt like waves with peaks) about 48 hours before i gave birth- i even called the MWs out for my home birth only to be told they werent contractions yet they were effacing pains- ur cervix must efface before it dilates and i wasnt dilated just effaced. (lol bet they loved me, calling them out at 3am unnecessarily! :oops: )
but for me it was def the start of something- "pre-labour" i called it! good luck :hug:
I no it sounds stupid but i just knew i was starting to go into labour...i just had a gut feeling when i woke up that morning. I just felt different. within two hours my show started and i had an sort of....odd feeling in my stomach, it wasnt a pain just a sort of nervous butterfly feeling? hard to explain! I also went to the toilet about 6 times that day!! (thank god my body decided to clear out then and not during labour!) by 7 that night i was getting literally just a twinge every 15mins and by 10pm i was in agony....everyones different but i think you just know when you are...your body just tells you...
Emma58 said:
:lol: I knew it was labour :lol:

:fib: :fib: :fib: :fib:

Miss "Oh, I'm going to be having the baby on my birthday...."

Isn't your birthday on the 27th...?!!? :think:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
inforabumpyride said:
Emma58 said:
:lol: I knew it was labour :lol:

:fib: :fib: :fib: :fib:

Miss "Oh, I'm going to be having the baby on my birthday...."

Isn't your birthday on the 27th...?!!? :think:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

PMSL :rotfl: :rotfl:

I was in Labour hun I was talking gibberish what did I know!!!

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