Pains and giving up slowly


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2010
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My belly is hurting. It feels like where kidney is on my left hand side. It feels like it's pulsing and is just sore. And it's further around on my see too. No blood or nothing and I haven't got wee infection as they tested that at hospital on Wednesday.

I am just giving up slowly with everything that seems to be going wrong in this pregnancy with pains. My lower stomach feels alright so I guess I feel okay that way. I'm just feeling down in the dumps today.

Any ideas to why I'm getting pains and cramps at nearly 14 weeks? Plus I've just thought on Monday I'm leaving to go to Trimester 2 but I would rather stay here whole pregnancy lol xxx
Could just be things starting to stretch and move, i think around now as the baby gets bigger your ligaments have to start moving and that can be sore. Dont give up hope :hug:
i am having pains too they stop me in my tracks mine are lower tummy though, i think my body telling me to sit down so i do when it happens if i can, i put it down to my car broke so i been walking everywhere and its 2 miles to the school so times that by 4 and i doing alot more than normal, i am going to rest today and my mum is taking the kids to street dance for me this morning. I hope your pains go soon, but you say yours are by your kidneys i know you said wednesday urine clear it can change go get checked out if it gets any worse
I'm having pains too right side lower abdomen and top of my leg. It's not really sore so I'm hoping it's just moving and stretching like Frankie said. Speak to your midwife if your worried Hun *hugs*
As baby starts growing at a quicker rate (and getting a whole lot bigger) everything else 'inside' just has to get out the way! And yup, it hurts a bit :D Imagine if you weren't preggers and you had something try and move your insides about... of course it's going to be a bit sore!
All sounds pretty normal to me.. but I'm not an expert and as always, if you're worried, then nothing beats a trip to the docs/midwife/epu for a quick listen to the heartbeat or a scan so you can see baby is fine ;)
Def give them a call if you're really worried, as the worry will do you no good in itself :hug: xxx

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