

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2008
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Hello everyone :wave:

This is my first pregnancy and I'm the first of my friends to be having a baby so I don't have many people to talk about it with; I just have a concern about the pains I've been getting - lower abdominal and quite sharp, similar to how a UTI or kidney infection feels and similar to period cramps. My midwife and my nurse said they didn't think I had anything to worry about but nobody's said that they felt it when they were pregnant too and I'm worried there might be something wrong because I didn't know being pregnant could hurt - is it common?
Hi Lizi

i had lots of cramps (sharp and dull) that really worried me up until around 15 weeks. I still get them sometimes now too. Every doc or midwife i've mentioned it too says its all normal, and had scan this morning and baby is all healthy. So try not to worry and take a paracetemol if it gets too uncomfortable. It's just your uterus or ligaments stretching etc.

yes it sounds like round ligament pain, I had it a lot with my son and it was really painful. This time I've only just started to have it again and it's worse if I get up quickly or if I've been walking for a while. Usually it goes away if I stand still for a bit. Makes you feel a bit geriatric but I get out of chairs very slowly and swing my legs round to the side and sit on the side of the bed before standing up in the night as that seems to help a lot.

I think it was largely a thing of the 1st and 2nd Tri, by the 3rd it wasn't an issue as much.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
I didn't have this last time but am getting it now. It is the ligaments stretching I think. Nothing to worry about though - just take things easy.
I went for a long walk on saturday and was passed by an old lady on the way back as I hobbled up the hill! and still 3 months to go!
I'm already (at 13 weeks) having to roll off the sofa onto my knees then climb up it, and on the tube I don't sit unless I get the seat next to a hand rail to pull myself up on because pulling is easier than pushing - not because I'm big, just because it hurts!

I'm glad (well not glad, but reassured!) that I'm not the only one
The only time I ever phoned my MW was when I fell on my hands and knees as I was in so much pain with a severe pain in a similar place to what you are describing. The pain only lasted a min or 2 and then was gone but left a really dull ache, it happened a number of times.

I was told this is definitely round ligament pain which can start from 18 weeks and has generally gone by 24 weeks......any similar pains before 18 weeks are different ligaments stretching - there are so many things that have to give and get pulled around!

Hope this helps........

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