Painful Braxton Hicks


Jan 8, 2009
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Hi everyone, I'm 25 weeks pregnant on Monday. I had my 24 week check up with my doctor yesterday morning - everything was fine, bump size, baby's heartbeat, urine, blood pressure etc... Anyway, last night at about 10pm I started to have what I think was a very painful contraction (it's my first baby so I can only guess, it was so painful it must have been a contraction!) It started at my lower back and then shifted to my bump and lasted about 3 mins or so, the pain then faded away completely. It really got me scared, but as the pain completely vanished I decided not to call the labor ward as something similar had happened 3 weeks before which was less painful and that completely vanished too and I have been fine since then.

I rang the labor ward this morning and told them what had happened, they said Braxton Hicks shouldn't be painful and I should have rang them straight after it happened and they would have got me in to check my cervix hadn't diliated, the midwife I spoke to said everything should be fine as the pain has now gone and the pain hasn't returned, there was no bleeding etc... and that it's probably just a "mystery" which doesn't really ease my worries as I'm now scared it might happen again, or I may go into pre-term labor at any second, feeling a bit like a ticking time bomb at the moment and just wondered if anyone else has experienced this pain? I feel fine now and baby has been kicking me all morning so he seems fine thank goodness!!

Thanks in advance for anyone who has any thoughts on this!
CatzEyez x x
Just wanted to say i hope your ok :hug: must have been really scary for you.
I had Braxton Hicks last time and they were uncomfortable and didn't last very long each time.

Make sure you def phone them if it happens again, hope it doesn't though!

:hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug:

It was probably braxton hicks hun.

I don't know where midwives get the idea that braxton hicks aren't painful, they ain't nice when i get 'em!!!
some women can get painfull braxton hicks so i don't know where your midwifes got their info from :lol: :lol: but then again i agree every time you get pain like that you should get checkked out just incase :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: it does sound like braxton hicks to me tho however i'm not a profesional i just know loads of usless and sometimes usefull info :D
Thanks ladies! Feeling a bit more relieved now after reading your messages - not had any more pains since and baby is happily kicking away as normal, fingers crossed the next lot of BH won't be as painful! x x

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