Painful periods since miscarriage


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2005
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The title says it all really! I miscarried in June/July (found out in June but actually miscarried in July). since my miscarriage I seem to be really struggling with my periods. I start cramping about a week before it's due and by the time af actually arrives I feel terrible. Bad cramps, sick, tired etc. I just wondered if anyones else has experienced this. My periods were no where near this bad before the miscarriage.
Hi bex, good to see you. My first 2 AFs were pretty painful. I also had nausea and several other symptoms that I never had prior to my miscarriage. Before this my Afs were pretty uneventful, I hadn't experiences cramps or any kind of PMS in about 10 years. I hope they settle down for you.

i never suffered cramps till after my d&c my first cycle wasnt too bad but my 2nd one i had to take a day off work the pain got soo bad
i think got pg so dont no if they would of got better or not
i hope they do for you
manda xx
Thanks for your replies. Yesterday was totally wrote off due to feeling so bad. I also have been feeling sick with them and headaches. I am currently ttc again so fingers crossed I won't suffer for much longer. :pray: I really had no idea how ill they can make you feel and my doctor has said there is nothing that can been done... not fun with a little one to look after. :(
Hi Bex,

Just wanted to say I had exactly the same thing after my m/c at 6 weeks. Hormones were terrible - had so much aching and cramping, a lot of bleeding, dizziness/tiredness and nausea - was mistaking the pms symptoms for pg every month and it was really distressing!! I was actually about to go to the doc to see if anything could be done to settle it down (didn't think they could do much though) but got a pos this month!!

All the very best and hope you get a pos very very soon. :hug: :)

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