

Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2007
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I have been suffering from SPD since around 21-22 weeks and had physio on 14th December. Whilst I was there, she slapped a heat pad on my hip for 10 minutes and then she massaged my it as she said it was very tense.

It seemed ok for 2 days and then almost every day since then I have had a horrible pain my my hip/sid (by my waist) that makes me feel physically sick.

I don't think for a second that it is anything to do with the baby as it is resolved with stretching and heat pads but it is horrible. It sends me into a spin each time it happens and I literally want to throw up.

Has anyone else experienced this after a physio massage? It's as if she moved something or did something to make the pain worse. Worst part is that my actual hip didn't hurt in the first place, I was looking for help with my pelvis :?

I have another appointment with her on the 10th Jan (should have been today but they re-scheduled it for some reason) so I will mention it to her and also to the MW the same day as I see her that morning.
I haven't had Physio yet my appointment is on 14th Jan but last night I had the most unbearable pain in my right hip. I couldn't put any pressure on it, get sat/laid comfortably and I honestly felt sick with it. I'm not even sure how I managed to get to sleep last night. Today it has gone unless i move my leg into a certain position.

Sorry i can't offer you any advice but I can totally relate to what you are saying.
:hug: :hug:
All I can say to you is to try walking/stretching your leg out whilst laying on the opposite side and putting a heat pad on it for 10 mins or so.

It's really horrible and I don't understand why it causes such a horrible sicky feeling. :(
You poor thing it sounds really uncomfortable :hug: i think you've no choice but to let them know, as it sounds wrong to be in more pain than you were before!
oooo ouchy, sit on birth ball as much as possible as it does help

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