Pain when having sex?


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2010
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Sex has not been any problem during the pregnancy so far but last night when we where at it suddenly this really sharp pain came just where he where and it hurt so much i screamed. I just burst out in tears cuz of the pain and also i got so scared for the baby as i have never had pain like that before. It went very quick but after i felt little pains comin and going on the same spot.
Surely having sex cant harm the baby? He wanted to go straight to the hospital but i didnt as there was no bleading.
I dont think it would harm the baby but what was it?!
I would be scared to have sex again now and he said he dont want us to do it anymore while im pregnant, but im expecting in october i cant wait that long..

Any one had the same experience?
Hun it could've been where the baby was laying at the time or if you haven't had sex for a while and you was a bit dry or rough it might have cause a bit more pain than normal (sorry for tmi).

I'd say if you do try again and its the same then go to your midwife and speak to her as it could be anumber of reasons.
Hope all goes well. I'm sure its nothing but all the best x
i got midwife appointment on tuesday will speak to her then.. I just got really scared
i know this is not the same but i keep getting a pain right above my bikini line going up a little think i might be heading for another wee infec but as we are the same gone thought id mention i think they are growing so rapidly it everything pulling
i know this is not the same but i keep getting a pain right above my bikini line going up a little think i might be heading for another wee infec but as we are the same gone thought id mention i think they are growing so rapidly it everything pulling

I get that too not everyday but sometimes manytimes in a day, its like a cramp or sometime shooting pain. Sometimes its just uncomfterble and sometimes painful..
i spoke to my mum about it and she said i need to talk to the midwife about it but u reakon its a wee infec? I have never had one so im not sure what it feels like.. i have had this for a few weeks tho prob since week 10 i would think but before it was higher up now it seems to be down where the little one lays..
I also find sex quite uncomfy hun and have many twinges, pulls, aches n pains in variouse places :oooo: Nothing major tho **touch wood** ... I think its just things stretching xx
The shooting pains are most likely stretching pains as I had them all the time, still get them to be honest.
Have you been drinking lots of fluids like water? As that helps prevent and clear infections, obviously if its severe you will most likely need medication from doctors/midwife.
Glad you are seeing your midwife Tuesday as if you are ever worried or not sure about something they are the best people to ask.

Hope all goes well tuesday, let us know what she says x

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