PAIN!!! please help ...........


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2008
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Its in my back on the right side. Quite high up around my ribsand higher. When im sitting its agony, cant believe how much it hurts im lying flat now and its not too bad and when im walking its ok. what could it be? surely it cant be the wait of my bump already? i cant be far enough along for that and if if was cos of the weight surely it would be central but this is definately quite far to the right.
What could i do to ease it?

Any ideas? oww it really hurts :cry:
hi,sorry l cant helpbut thought l'd reply..someone with some knowledge should be along in the morning...all l can do is advise you to go to your doctors to get it checked out..
it sounds like it could be a kidney infection :think:
have you had a uti?
Kidney infection. Please get it seen to :pray: I had one at 19 weeks and I keep putting it off and off and off.... until OH literally picked my up out of bed one night at 3am because of the pain and took me to A&E and I had to stay in for 4days, had 5drips because I put it off so long it had got really bad. I even had to have scans on my kidneys.

Let us know how you get on and sorry for butting in :D
I had a kidney infection with my first pregnancy and my god I swear it was more painful than labour!!
I hope you get it fixed soon hun!! :hug:
I get a similar pain, but for me it only lasts a couple of hours, and then the next day I get it again, some days I dont get it at all.

I did think it might be a kidney problem, but its too high up to be my kidneys, as literally under my ribs, so put it down to my body stretching to accommodate the LO.

Have a search on google as it seems to be a common complaint in pregnancy!!

If your pain is lower down right at the bottom of the rib cage then it definitely sounds like your kidneys....

Best to get it checked out if its hurting a lot!
Thanks all for replying.
so you've all pretty much said the same thing really, and yes i have been fuffering with kidney infections.

i woke up this morning with some diccomfort around my bladder, as if i was desperate for a wee but had held it for hours. But barely needed to go and certainly wasnt desperate.
Well i havnt got the back pain this morning but i'll keep my eye on it and if it comes back i'll see a doctor

If it was the start of a kidney infection though, is it not a bit wierd that it only really hurts bad when im sitting up?

Thanks all xx
All I can remember about my kidney infection tbh is rolling around screaming in pain! lol! It was over 9 years ago now! lol

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