Pain on my right side


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2009
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I've had this from this morning :eh:

Position is on the right, sort of in line with navel but to the right. It's not a crampy pain and it's nothing I've had before but it's been niggling all day. At times its abit worse than other, like a stabbing pain but mostly it's now just niggling away and I'm aware of it if that makes sense.

I feel tired as hell too, probably unusually so for me but thats about it

Anyone any ideas?
Have you got an appendix?

Appendicitis starts on the right side, and can start will a dull ache, becoming very sharp and painful. Some say the pain will move to the other side, and the back but mine never did.

However you can have a 'rumbling appendix' which will just stay as a dull pain for a day or two then ease up and is fine afterwards and no need for a doc.

Hope you feel better soon :hug:

Whatever you do, don't google :lol:
I've googled :rofl:

I've got an appendix :mad:
Oh no, if you google then you already have cancerous gallstones or something :lol:

If you have an appendix, then I would take some painkillers now and just keep an eye on it. If the pain gets bad then see your GP asap.
Have you been for a number 2 Mamafy? It could be trapped wind? If your appendix were playing up you would know about it I think :hug: for you to feel better soon xx
It's defo not constipation :D

And yep Nic that's what I have apparently :S
Awww thanks hun, the only one who cares :shakehead: :rofl:

I'm fine, not a whisper of a pain, really weird :eh:
Glad to hear that.. :hug: I know what are they all like! :lol: Keep a wee eye though.. Problems with appendix scare the life out of me :oooo:
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You've heard horror stories then Jen? :oooo:
Trapped a nerve then didn't you ...big fairy :rofl:
Missed this yesterday chick, glad your feeling better :hug: xx
Trapped a nerve then didn't you ...big fairy :rofl:


It was not a trapped nerve, it was appendicitus at the very least :lol: I am the opposite of whatever a big fairy is :rofl:
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