Boob pain????anyone else had this by any chance??


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2011
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Anyone else had this by any chance???? GOt pain mostly behind my right boob and in my shoulder. The pain in my boob feels like a knot in the muscle behind the boob. When I breathe in it feels like a stabbing pain. Had pain all down my right side all day and have stabbing pains in my back where my kidneys are.
Have you been doing nipple twiddling hun? I've not tried this yet, I think I'd feel like a bit of a perv sitting there fiddling along to Jezza lol. Maybe your milk is going to come through cos AJ is on his way :D
I had a go at the nipples last night and I don't know if it's just coincidence but I did start getting pains! OH walked into the bedroom and said what on earth you doing lol
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no I haven't nipple twiddled although I am sure the OH would if I let him. I have been leaking for a while so am hoping that means its all there ready and waiting. Gonna chat to the mw tomorrow cos my mum just freaked me out and said that pain in right ribs and shoulder can be a sign of pre eclampsia! Thanks mum!!!!! Shes paranoid cos she had it with my brother. lol
See what the mw says, she'll check your bp anyway. Try not to freak out hun. I reckon things are just stepping up for you, I think AJ will be here earlier than the 26th xxxxxxxxx
I'm not worried. Bloody mothers I know its just cos she worries. lol. I think hes gonna make me wait and suffer till the 26th. lol
I've been having stabby booby pains again lately. They aren't much fun :(


I think it's our bodies gearing up for d day xx
bit of tmi here but i had this a while ago and found i had a cat hair stuck in my right nipple. took ages to get it out, but since i have, i havnt had any pain there at all. may be worth checking hun x
Have already had a inspection cos was looking for lumpy bits or dc from the nipple etc. Nothing me or the OH can see!! Got mw at 8:45am so I shall chat to her then. xx
She might have a feel for a blocked duct or something hun. Hope your appointment goes ok xxxxxxx

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