Pain all over


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2010
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For the last few nights I've not Been able to sleep properly as I've had pains all over my bump n down left side of my back.

I normally sleep on my left side. I get woken up by shooting pains in bump then it goes rock hard.
I tried sleeping on my right side but my son Is having none of it. He is on my left side n will not budge, so when I sleep on my right I'm crippled in pain.
I don't know if the pains are because he has run out of space but it's frustrating as I only get sleep for a few hours at a time before I'm in pain again.
This morning I wanted to cry as it Hurt so much.
I can't sleep on my back as it hurts my lower back so I've resorted to propping myself up with around 7 pillows with one under bump n it's still uncomfy.

Anyone experiencing this or have any idea what it is.
I don't want to move or adjust him incase I shift or detach him from the placenta

Hot baths n hot water bottles ease it for a Lil while.

Sorry for the moan
hope it sorts itself out, you seem to be in a lot of pain most of the time! see a doctor dude! x
My dr is a bum. Everything I tell her its always the same Soddy response "oh don't worry dear, it's just pregnancy related. Ur not the first or the last to experience all this"

I just wanna poke her with a piece of stale bread lol

When do babies run out of space? Cos I know at 37 weeks ur considered full term so I'm Just wondering if it's cos he has no space n I have a big bump for a really tiny person :/
It could be your small frame just aching off hun.

Saying this, I have read and heard that a woman will always carry a baby that is the right size for them, as it wouldn't be physically possible to carry a baby that is too big for your womb. This is *apparently* why your first baby tends to be smaller. By the time the next one comes, your uterus has stretched before and can stretch that little further.

Also, have you thought about your position when lying in bed? I am not in *pain* as such, but like you, I go an hour or two before I wake up aching (usually hips or back) and have to turn over and establish a new comfortable position. I also get numb legs, which at times have turned into pins and needles - very frustrating.

I did buy a pregnancy pillow before Christmas, in hope that would help - i was comfortable, but the pillow made me far too hot so I haven't used it since. Perhaps propping up your pillows may help for the time being? Some people swear by pregnancy pillows (v shaped) to use between the legs - it may help you?
I have two pregnancy pillows, a full body pillow n a dreamgenii.
I feel like an acrobat the way I've tried sleeping in so many different positions.
He isn't very big but I have a lot of water. Apparently.

I have no idea how else to sleep. Standing up could be a possible option. Lol
i have a small frame and get really achey at the end all mine have arrived around their due date the dont care about being squished
i wud say just rest rest rest hun
and yeh if ur midwifes being crappy bout it go with that poke her with the stale piece of bread lol
I can't lie on my right side or my back either cos its sore but they say lying on your left side is the best way anyway.

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