Owwwwwww! It hurts! :-(


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2007
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My belly button is killing me!

It started to turn into an outie about a week or 2 ago :puke: so don't know if that's the cause, but all around it feels really sore like it's badly bruised. It's mainly on the left hand side of it actually and I can't touch it it's that sore :(

Anyone know whats causing this? x
have u had it pierced or any scar tissue round the area?
Many women find that their belly button becomes quite sore and tender in the last few months of pregnancy. For women with an 'inny' belly button, it may be the first time this part of your body has seen the light of day! The previously 'protected' skin of the navel, can rub frequently on clothing, making it feel a little raw and tender. Along with this, you may also experience a stretching or splitting sensation, that comes with the normal separation of the abdominal muscles behind it, make this area particularly uncomfortable.

Wearing underwear that goes 'over the belly' ('grandma undies') may help protect the tender skin of the navel, and reduce other clothes from rubbing on it. Massaging creams or oils in may also be soothing. If you have not already done so, removing your belly ring is probably advisable now (if you have one). If you have difficulty seeing this part of your body, ask your partner to or look at the skin (or you can use a mirror). This is to make sure you have not injured your belly while ironing, or scraping up against something (easily done!).

I got this from a website.. I hope it helps! :hug:
Can't help much but just wanted to say that i had this with my son, never found out what is was though :lol: Oh and mine stayed an inny.

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