Is this what ive been waiting for???? Symptoms are REALLY sore boobs(my nipples feel like they are burning and have a strange white spots on them tmi sorry!) got raised lines (brown color) on my boobs. Had alittle pink discharge earlier today, now got slight brown discharge,but NO cramps which i normally get when AF is around(due nxt tues)got some cm. Very very snappy(poor DH!!) tired and feeling v down.
Can i be hopefull or not? did a test this morning(ebay cheapie) but a BFN, umming and arrhing bout going to get a clearblue, reckon these are better??
anyhelp, any answers, all gratefully recieved!!
Can i be hopefull or not? did a test this morning(ebay cheapie) but a BFN, umming and arrhing bout going to get a clearblue, reckon these are better??
anyhelp, any answers, all gratefully recieved!!