Own Bedroom


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2007
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When do you think a baby is old enouugh to go into their own room? :D
Sophie was in her own room after 2 weeks

Alastair after 1 week

I say start as u mean to go on :D
Grace didn't go into her own room until 5 1/2 months - we liked having her close to us and as I was bf it was easy to have her in our room. From day one she settled straight into her own room though :)
thomas was in his own room after six weeks as he outgrew his moses, hw has a much better night as he doesn't hear us and we don't wake to every single noise!
Soph's still in with us! But only because we're still waiting on our own place!
Hi Betty

Thomas went into his own room at 7 weeks. He loves it and it gives us a better sleep too.

hannah was about 3 mnths... she started sleeping right through that night!! - never looked back, with my next ill probably do it earlier.
Dylan is still wiht us i am keeping him wiht us until after 6 months coz of sids advice
LO is just 3 weeks and still in with us although he starts off in his own room when he wakes for his first night feed he'll stay with us then till morning. Breaking him in slowely to the dreaded cot!! :-) Not sure when we'll have him in his own room permanantly he's still a tad little, perhaps once he's 6/7 weeks and starting to sleep through the night a little better, the moses basket is so much easier when your constantly up and down in the night.
Sam's still in with us but only becasue we don't move until November when he gets his own space.

I put my girls in their rooms at about 9 weeks.

I can't wait for Sam to get his own room, he hasn't slept through a single night yet...... :sleep: :sleep:
Stanley was 6 months when he got too fat for his crib!!
They say the safest to prevent SIDS is to keep them in your room until 6 months.

Lydia got her own room at 22 months when we moved house.

Kiara went at 6 months, Kadyn is still in with us and will be until 6 months as well.
Jonah was in as soon as he came home. this one will be too. I think everyone sleeps better this way and then there is no upset when you have to change things. Didn't stop us sitting in there looking at him most of the night though!

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