Oweeee! In pain and feeling miserable!


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2007
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OMG I just want to cry today I'm in so much pain. My pelvis/pubic bone feels like its going to snap in half every time I try and walk. I'm getting shooting pains down the insides of my thighs and I feel like I've run a marathon by the time I get to the kitchen. I've also got shooting/stabbing pains in my bum. Has anyone else had pain this bad? I don't think its contractions or BH's but its been getting gradually worse over the last few days. I can't even make the walk to the docs.
Sounds like SPD...my friend had apin very similar to what you describe and thats what they 'diagnosed' with her.

Are you contsiptated? (Sorry to ask!!) but again, my friend found there was so little room left that after going to the loo the pain the her pubic area would go.

Has it just started or has it been building up?
If it's built up it sounds like Pelvic Girdle Pain (what used to be called SPD). I'm on crutches for this now and they help so maybe you could try calling you doctor and see if there's anything they can do? I got the crutches from the physio but by the time you get an appointment with the physio you may have a baby. The crutches help distribute my weight. They don't make everything better - yesterday it took me 40 minutes to walk back from the midwife, a journey that would normally take 5 minutes :cry: The doctor and midwife will tel you to take paracetemol but in my case it doesn't make a difference. Before I was on crutches I had a giant tubigrip to wear from hip to bust and a support belt too. Again I got those from the physio but maybe you could get those from your doctor if you can't get crutches.

If it has come on suddenly then maybe it is something else. I don't know what but call your doctor.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Echoing what the others have said it does sound like spd, and I think the pains in your legs may be cramp, which is normal, I have had them in previous pregnancies, they are painful.

As for the pain in your bottom, I have been getting what I would call pressure there for a few days now, could be baby moving down.

Maybe give your m/w a call for reassurance, sometimes they will pop out to see you if you can get to them.

Lisamj said:
Are you contsiptated? (Sorry to ask!!) but again, my friend found there was so little room left that after going to the loo the pain the her pubic area would go.

Lisamj - Thanks hun. Yes I have been a bit constipated and when I went to the loo yesterday I was shouting in agony and almost in tears (sorry TMI!) and the pressure on my ladybits was almost unbearable. The pressure is even worse today.

I feel selfish for moaning but I'm just feeling so low because of this now and had to get it off my chest.

muppetmummy - thanks for your hugs hun x x
I forgot to say, have a look at this (the leaflet I got from the physio) for advice:
And apply heat - a hot water bottle or those heat rolls you can microwave are great, I use lots and pack them round the sore bits. Or a warm bath.
Thanks girls, yes it has been building up over a number of weeks now but got worse all of a sudden. I'll try the hot water bottle thing. I have been taking hot baths and it eases the pain until I get out. If it gets any worse I will go to the docs. My midwife is away for a fortnight now :roll:

Thanks again girls :hug:
It's up to you obviously but I think you should call the doctor now. Things take time to happen (getting a doctor's appointment, being referred to get a support belt from the physio...) so the sooner you tell them you are having difficulties the sooner you can get help. If I had gone for help sooner maybe I wouldn't be on crutches now.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
IO had a similar thing at 32/33 weeks and thought it was SPD, spoke to MW about it yesterday and she said its just the baby's head preparing as well as your body preparing for labour. Luckily the pains have completely disappeared now but teh MW did say that I could get this again towards the latter weeks as baby engages fully.

Maybe it is your baby fully engaging cause you don't have long to go now hun, any idea whether it has been engaged recently and by how much??

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