

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2006
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i bought some ovulation tests last week and it said i should start testing on the 30th july.. (2 days ago). I did one on sunday and one today and both had no line on them. Is it normal to have no line at all, especially on day 12 of my cycle? :?
what time are you doing them?? You should always get a feint test line and a bold control line, then near ovulation the test line should be as dark or darker than the control line ot be a positive.
im doing them at 5/6 at night.
there is only one line there and its the control line.

i'v also noticed that my wee is really dark and there isnt a lot of it. i think im kind of dehydrated, could this affect it?
I would do them between 11am and 2pm, not much later than 5pm I think they say?? I would make sure you have drunk during the day, but not too much a couple of hours before the test.
the tests i have say to do them anytime of the day but not 1st thing. I work till 3/4 so doing one that early may be a problem :doh:
i did a test just now (15:41) and there is still only 1 line :cry:
Do the tests say that you should get a second feint line constantly? Layla was having this problem (not getting a second line). keep testing when you get in from work hun. Theoretically, you can test between 11am and 11pm or something like that, but try and make sure you test at the same time everyday.
Sorry, can I be nosey and pop in :oops:

I was having the same problem, I test at 5.30/6.00pm. I re-read the instructions and it said to test between 10.00am - 8.00pm so I did something right but when I carried on reading it said to hold the test in the urine for at least 10 seconds. I'd be doing about 5... :doh:
So the last 3 days I've held them in for @15 seconds and I've got the control line and a very faint second line.

Just thought I'd mention it in case.

Charm X
im holding it in for the right amount of time and im leaving it for the right amount of time but there is just one line. Been testing for 3 days now, im getting quite worried. :cry:
Sorry Jenna, I don't know what else to suggest. :(

Have you read the sticky at the top of the TTC section that Sami posted (www.peeonastick.com) it might help answer some questions.

Charm X
i'v tried taking them earlier and there is still no line!! maybe i have doddgy tests? they were really cheap! :oops:
jenna how long is your cycle? not everyone ovulates on the typical day 14, i always ovulated on day 20- day 21 and my cycle was 33-36 days. only having the one line may mean that you are simply not ovulating yet, keep going till you get the two lines. i would have faint lines for a few days like 4 days and then on the 5th day have a strong line. if there isn't a second line then it may just mean that you are not ovulating yet and ovulate a bit later this month.

My OPKs used to say test in the afternoon i used to test 4.00pm ish after not having a wee for at least two hours to build up the concentration.
Hope this helps xx :hug:
Jenna I had some Ebay ov tests and they were rubbish - I never got more than 1 line!
Dunno I had a + which is right today on a LH strip (from eBay) :D
my test today had a really faint line... :roll:
is it normal to only just start getting the line on day 15 of the cycle? :shock:
I know information shows that a women with a 28 day cycle will ovulate around day 14, etc. But it's not always the case for some women hun. Some may be earlier & some later. Carry on using your OPKs daily until you get a positive hun.

How about charting if AF turns up this month?

Good luck for this month hun!!, glad you finally got a line

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