Ovulation Symptons??


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2012
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Hi Ladies

Over the last almost 3 years of trying and using OPK's I can kinda tell the day Ovulation happens I think.

What symptoms does everyone else get during Ovulation? I'd any?

One thing I've noticed is that as soon as i get a positive OPK followed by a few faint ones for a few days after I can't stop peeing. Is that normal? Does anyone else notice that this happens to them?

Nicks x
I think some people experience cramping usually on either the left or right side and sharp pains as the egg releases. Not everyone notices ovulation though.

I've only felt it once, on this first Clomid cycle and I felt AF type cramps on my left but then it did alternate to my right where I had the sharp twinges. Possible that due to the Clomid, I released eggs from both ovaries... Not really sure though to be honest!


I've never felt anything at all. I don't think it's very common to feel ovulation x
On this not I have quite painful ovulation, always feels as though I have trapped wind or something and I get a pulling feeling on either the left or right side (depending on what side I am OV) apparently it can be quite normal as I was really worried at one point about it
I'm ovualting at the minute and have felt nothing!! Got some discharge tho! xxx
I thought I felt ovulation until I had ivf and could feel my follicles growing. I can't have felt ovulation - it was in completely the wrong place!
Every month I have had what I have thought o be OV pain I have done a CB didgey and got a :) and have read up on it, seems my symptoms are not that uncommon, but most people don't tend to experience any symptoms

At least I know when I am ovulating I suppose lol

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