Ovulation/brown discharge confusion.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2011
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I'm waiting to ovulate and we've been using OPK's which have been coming up negative. I figured out that I should be ovulating next week which sounds about right. I haven't had the usual stretchy egg white type thing which I usually look out for, but there seems to be brown discharge like I usually get before and after a period. Have I completely skipped ovulation, or am I just starting? Confused!
Scratch that, period. So I don't appear to have ovulated. Um, what the hell? Is that possible?
Yes, its common for ladies to have cycles without (annovulatory) amongst normal cycles x
Yeah I just read up on that. Said it can be caused by things like PCOS and eating disorders. PCOS runs in my family and I have suffered with an eating disorder so it made me a bit iffy. Not quite sure whether I should leave it be or see my Dr.
It may have still been ovulation related. I had a similar thing this month and was concerned enough to go to the doctor, who said it was almost certainly ov bleeding. If you think it might be PCOS definitely go see your doctor, but don't worry too much x
I'm pretty much 100% that it's that time of the month. But no ov which confuses me.
I think it's still possible to ovulate but get a negative opk (although I've no idea how common it is). There's definitely one lady on here who got pregnant despite never having a +opk, although I've no idea who it was! x
All my opk's were negative, but I didn't get the usual change in mucus either [sorry tmi]. Usually it goes stretchy and clear but I seem to have completely missed that this month.

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