Ovulating after mc


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2012
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Hi ladies,

Wonder if you can help. I had my second mc this week both of which I've had a D&C. The first time I didn't get a negative pg test for 3 weeks after the op then another 2 weeks till ovulation so it was 7 weeks in total before first AF. Do you think my body will follow the same pattern this time? Has anyone got any experience of more than one mc? I know this sounds silly but is there anything I can do or take to speed the process up? I'm so impatient and hurting so much, all I want is to be pregnant again xxx
First of all, so sorry to hear your news, it's the worst thing in the world to happen to anyone. I don't have any experience of more than 1 mc but I'm just getting over my first. I had an erpc 3 weeks ago and have only just stopped bleeding in the last couple of days, had a sharp pain in the place where my overy is but have no idea if that's a sign I'm ovulating. I hate this part where you're in complete limbo, have so many questions; am I ovulating? When will I get my next af? Is everything ok down there? Can I get pregnant again? AHHHHHH!! I'm still testing positive or at least I was on Monday, going to test today.

I totally understand the feeling of wanting to be pregnant again, although I'm scared, if I do get pregnant again, I'll be so paranoid of this happening again. I won't be able to enjoy it I don't think. This will be my first pregnancy and the whole experience has been scarred by this horrible experience. All we can do is stay positive I guess. I'm always here if you want to talk! Hope you're ok. Xx
So sorry to hear of your loss Cosmo. I'd noticed your posts about having the bleed and had been following them. I had three misccariages in a year and bled early in this pregnancy with a subchronic bleed, which very luckily eventually dispersed and fingers crossed all still ok. I just wanted to say I'm pregnant straight after the last miscariage now and I think the best thing I did was not focus on what was happening in my body but try and keep my mind occupied with lots of things and just focus on getting myself back to normal - spa day, lots of nice things with hubby, seeing my mum and sister for a few days and doing fun things etc. I honestly think that's what was different this time, I was almost so broken my mindset completely changed. I had a feeling I was having a bit of a clotting / blood issue so I was a bit naughty and started taking a baby asprin a day too and was shocked to get a bfp 4 weeks after mc. My consultant has reccomended I stay on asprin as it may well have helped and they certainly thought so when I had the clot so I still am at 24 weeks. I also was put on cyclogest progesterone just to give this baby every chance. I know I haven't quite answered your question but I hope my experience helps. Thinking of you x
Thank you so much for sharing your experience GEH, I really appreciate it. I've got aspirin actually as doc suggested it when I fell pregnant the last time so will give it a go now. I've got a night away and spa booked with husband this weekend so looking forward to that and obviously it's nearly Christmas so I've got loads on coming up. If my body reacts the same way as last mc then I should ovulate around Christmas Eve so should be nice and relaxed and raring to go to make our wee baby xxx
Hi Cosmogirl, sorry to hear you have had to go through this twice it's tough, but stay strong and positive. I've had two missed misscarriages since last July, both times I had a D&C at 10 & 11 weeks, I got my period 6 weeks after D&C and then the following month my ovulation was back to normal, though I can vary between Day16 up to Day 23. As I'll be 42 in Dec, my obstetrician agreed to do all the tests (lots of bloods, scan, hysterscopy) on me but they showed up no cause he doesn't think it's age related. He said I should be positive that I can get pregnant as this is a big hurdle for lots of couples & harder to solve, he wants us to try and get pregnant again ASAP. Although nothing showed up he said it would do no harm to take a baby aspirin and progesterone pessaries if I get a positive test. It might be worth asking your doctor to do a few blood tests to rule out obvious things like clotting disorder, underactive thyroid with high TSH, Day 21 Progesterone etc On a hoeful note I know a few friends who have have 2 & 3 miscarriages in row before going on to have 3 and 2 babies each, so fingers crossed we get babies that stick in the New Year xL
Hi Cosmo, after my MCs (3) i got AF exactly one calendar month after the miscarriage or in the last case, the D&C. That means I ovulated about 2-3 weeks after. I'm not trying anymore so I didn't test for ovulation. I don't think there is anything we can do to speed these things up - I had a D&C because I thought it would mean I recover faster but it really didn't.
I hope you're doing ok. Xxx

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