Overweight Toddler?!


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2013
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Hi Everyone, :wave:

Our son is just away to turn 17 months and weighs about 13 kg :shock: I'm worried about his weight as at his 1 year appointment the health visitor said we'd need to keep an eye on it...he only gets healthy food (no crisps, chocolate or processed food) and is active (just started running/toddling about, walking since 14 months) - what does everyone elses little ones weigh? x
Hi not sure exactly what's lo weighs last time I took him to get weighed he was 10kg at about 14 months, he is now 16 months. I really wouldn't worry too much. My lo too only has healthy home cooked food with healthy snacks and only has milk and water to drink but he is tall for his age and had size 6.5 feet already so guess will be a tall boy. If you are worried take your lo to baby clinic but as he is now walking and running I'm sure he will be just fine.
I haven't had my lb weighed since his 1st birthday when he was 10.4 kg ive put him on our scales today and he seems to be 11.7 which would put him above the 91 St centile, he was 9th at birth. I am going to get him weighed next week but I'm abit concerned, his length is not 91st which would make me less worried. He eats lots of fruit and has been walking for about a month - basically you are not alone!!
My boy was about the same weight at the same age. He was on the 98th centile from about 4 weeks old.

I honestly wouldn't worry. My daughter was always bigger than she should have been, but once she started school she lost 9lbs in a month! She was on the go all the time and the day time snacks stopped. She goes to gymnastics, swimming etc and looks perfect! I expect my boy will follow suit once he starts school.
I had similar concerns but my health visitor said not to worry about it at all as she was on 95th centile at birth so she is still in line with that and she will slim down eventually. She is gradually losing weight but still has a little pot belly lol. She eats fruit etc and is so hyper she never sits still all day but just seems to take a long time for the weight to drop off x
How tall is your LO for a start? My eldest weights more than other kids his age but he's also a hell of a lot taller than other kids his age too! Last time he was weighed he was about 16 kg and about a meter tall. He's 2 and two months.

Once he started walking and running around he really leaned out and now he's a skinny wee thing. I've never been one for worrying about his weight after having a lot of weight issues myself I want to try and avoid exposing my kids to things like that. He gets a good variety of foods and loves fruit and veg. Sometimes he's eating all the time it feels like and other days he eats very little depending on his appetite.
Have also just seen your LO was 9lbs on your signature, so I'm assuming he's always followed the higher centiles? If so just ignore the HV!

My eldest was also 9lbs 1!!
His height is on the 50th percentile so he's not tall - he just looks solid :shock: he doesn't have Fat rolls he just looks chubby with a belly on him - he loves all food and I don't know if I should stop him eating as much as I'm sure he'll have a fussy period eventually and that'll even things out abit hopefully?
My son is 26 months and weights just shy of 16kgs. I'm not worried about his weight. He's very active. I think he's going to be stocky.
If he has only just started toddling I really wouldn't worry. Now he is properly on the move his weight will level out.

As long as HV doesn't have any real concerns I wouldn't stress. From your post the HV didn't seem overly concerconcerned? She said keep an eye but didn't tell you to come back or to see GP or anything?

I can't really remember what mine weighed, but all are different.

We had a friend whose boy was a little chunky and they swapped from whole milk to semi (which you should anyway as it has more calcium, apparently) and that made a load of difference... He wasn't even drinking a lot of it!

This was when he was 1 x
Thanks for all the replies ladies :smile:

We have to go back at 18 months to get him checked again but presume thats to check he hasnt totally gone off the charts! He was on the 75th percentile for his early check ups then his weight jumped to the 98th percentile at 1 year check up but he seems to be sticking around the 98th pecentile since then... Hes been walking for around 2 and a half months but has only really started to run now so hopefully that'll burn some of it off...

OMGbabyno3 he gets 7 oz whole milk in the morning and maybe 3 oz before bed with a yoghurt for morning snack so he's not having that much milk/calcium as it is....
My 18 month old son weighs 14.5kg (just below 99.6th centile or whatever that top line is). His height is around 75th. We're under a paediatrician because it was picked up around 7 months that he'd jumped a few centiles, but the paediatrician isn't concerned as he now is following the new line. Also, he's just started walking and now looks slimmer in relation to height.

I wouldn't worry, to be honest xx
Thanks Ella1979 - thats good to know that as long as he's following the same line that i shouldnt worry :thumbup: Argh! There is always something to worry about with our lovely little bundles isnt there?! :wall: x
My dad said a really good thing to me the other day that would also apply in this situation. My lo won't eat meals at all and it's a constant fight, I was moaning to my dad and he said 'look at her constantly running about (well crawling and climbing!) if she was really not getting enough food she would be tired and lethargic!' It's so true and the same applies to you lo, if he's running about and happy that's the main thing. I'll also add that my lo was born on the 9th centile and is way up the chart now even tho she always taken normal amounts of milk and only snacks now, so don't worry x
Thanks Ella1979 - thats good to know that as long as he's following the same line that i shouldnt worry :thumbup: Argh! There is always something to worry about with our lovely little bundles isnt there?! :wall: x

Yes. I was totally stressed out last year when HV referred my son, but paediatrician has no worries at all (diagnosis (if you can call it that) was "large symmetrical baby"!! lol). We have one last appointment next month and then hopefully will be discharged. I think there's so much worry about childhood obesity that they're overcautious.
My nearly two year old has been above 12kg and between 12 and 14 since he was one.. I think HV's should stfu which is why I never see them! He kept gaining and when he got to 12 last year he's kind of stalled and started slowly growing into the height now gaining a bit pressumably to then grow into the heights again like I did myself according to my nanna.. I know many kids who are about this weight who tend to stall a little but it doesn't keep going as quick as the first year and obviously like my son takes his time with getting taller I bet some kids also get taller and gain slightly quicker but honestly I wouldn't worry..
My hv told me to watch my lo's weight at her 1 yr check. She was 11kg then. She was 48th centile at birth, and had jumped to 75th. I asked her to check Emma's height, and she was on the 98th centile for height. A jump from 9th centile at birth. So hv said not to worry about her weight. Did your hv check height too?

Emma's 15 months now, she's quite big compared to the other babies her age, but I'm not worried. My eldest was the same, actually he was probably chubbier than Emma is. But by the time he hit 2, the baby fat went. He's 9 now and very tall for his age, and if anything I'd like him to put more weight on.

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