finger foods for 6 month old


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2007
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Logan has had purees since about 4 months and recently i've started some finger foods (snacks mainly not meals). Right now i'm having more success getting finger foods into him rather than purees. I want to keep feeding him as the health visitor seemd slighly concerned by his weight gain this month. he only gained 300g and dropped from just under 75th line to just over the 50th over a 5 week period.

I've bought him some rusks and childrens crisps, but don't want to continue these things for too long in case when he is older he sees these sorts of things as preferred snacking options.

So what does everyone find works well as finger food? He aslo has 3 1/2 teeth and sometimes uses them (i can hear him use them on some of the crisps rather than his gums).

Any suggestions appreciated.

Have a wee look at the threads on baby led weaning - he can have pretty much what you do. Sticks of roasted or steamed veg are great to start off with as they are nice and soft and then as he gets a bit more daring you can basically just offer him smaller portions (without salt etc of course) of what you're having. Easy peasy! We went from purees to that with no problem at all.
Sweet potato

em loads more but brain isn't functioning just now (its in teacher mode :lol:)

Try everything and anything :D
I started off giving Jacob the Organix carrot stick crisp things (as they melt in the mouth) then fingers of toast and bread crusts but tbh Jacob has only just started doing well with finger foods the last couple of months :?

He now has slices of pear, blueberries, cucumber, broccoli florrets (cooked) slices of cheese, breadsticks, sandwiches, pasta and a whole load of other stuff that I can't think of right now :doh: I'm not sure if those things would be any good for Logan with him being so young but like I said Jacob was hopeless with finger foods at that age!

Sorry, i'm not much help am I?! :roll:
I'll tell you what has been a massive success with us, mini corn on the cos- like the ones you get in stir fries. I just boil them for 5 mins let them cool down and Rudy goes mad for them, they are also the perfect size and texture for little hands!
I second what everyone else says but just wanted to add that milk is more calarific then solid foods so if you want weight gain be careful not to add too many solids that effect milk intake
thanks beanie, good point, however the boobie monster is taking 4 full feeds (both breasts) and two half feeds (one breast to get to sleep) in a 12 hour period. So i think he is still gettting enough.

that being said he hasn't wanted so much food today, excpet finger food, might be a tooth, but could only get purees into him if he feed himself (man that's messy hope we can avoid thatn in future).


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