

Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2007
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my daugter is a week old and im really paranoid about bedtime. the weather is just too hot and and shes sweating even with just a vest on and no covers. theres no use in opening the windows cause theres no wind.
im scared incase she gets too hot and may cause cot death or something! does anyone else worry too?
and how do you keep your babies cool during the night?
is it safe to use one of those big fans?
i dont see the harm in using a fan just dont have directly on your LO and proob best not to have it on full, hopefully this will cool the room. even though there is prob not much breeze i would still open thw window as it will let fresh air in my LO room gets hot i have the window open all the time as it keeps it fresh and keeps the stale air out.

hope this helps some.
Hi there

Molly, my eldest daughter, was born in the summer of 2003. From the moment we got her home from the hospital until she was about 16 weeks old the temperature in her room was never below 27°c. I think 19-21°c is recommended.
There was nothing we could do but make sure she was wearing as little as possible (just a nappy and nothng else most nights!) and make sure she was getting plenty to drink. She started to sleep through at nine weeks and I was paranoid as hell!

Try not to worry. just make sure she's comfortable and that there's plenty of room for air to cirulate, especially around her head.
Its in the 30's everyday here now and its so hot at night that Thea is now sleeping in just her nappy. I put the aircon on for 30mins to cool her room and then knock it off and put a fan on low during the night.
alice is down to a nappy at night, with a thin sheet over her, but she is waking 2am ish, and i think its cause she is getting cold, because she doesn't seem hungry (she wakes at 2 & 5 for a feed).
rhys has been waking between 3 and 5 times a night since its gotten hotter

been driving me nuts!!
I worry about this constantly. TBH I think I'm TOO worried. I can't stop cheking him every 10 mins! At the moment Dan sleeps in a vest and a babygrow with the top 2 buttons undone and no blankets. He seems to be okay :think:
I'll keep checking though to see what every one esle is doing!

Have to say though that he sleeps through. He's his mothers son!! (I love my sleep!) He hasn't woken up until 10.30am for about 2 weeks.
I was such a worrier when Jake was tiny and I used to get so paranoid about him being too hot or cold. As time goes by you will still worry about your LO but it won't be as bad. Have you got a thermometer in the room? Jakes room is usually about 25 at the moment which it says is too hot. I just put his thin pj's or babygro on him and no covers. I always check his temp by feeling his tummy or back and he feels ok in this normally. Is your daughter in your room with you? If yes then just put a fan on low but not too near to her. If she is in her own room you could put a fan but the only thing with that is that you won't feel if it starts to get too cold overnight.
It's natural to worry about the temp of them. I would just put them to bed with their vest and a pair of socks (well if they are like Arianna who ALWAYS has cold feet!)

I tend to check Arianna before I go to bed (usually about 1am) and if she is cooler I put her cover over her but most of the time she is fine.
Amy lou keep your curtains closed at all times when its hot and have the big fan on with your doors closed to keep the room cool.
Get a little nursey thermometor and it tell you what the right temp is so you know!
Yes, I'm having the same problem with worrying about room temperature. Our little one has been sleeping in just a vest since the weather's been warm. We use a grobag egg in the bedroom to keep a check on the temp. If it cools down during the night, I just put a cellulose blanket loosely over him.
I put Rowan in a loose short sleeve/leg romper as I find its cooler and looser than a vest. Sadly he's got a terrible habit of scratching himself until he bleeds (and yes his nails are as short as I can get them and no scratch mits are no challenge to my little Houdini) so I have to put him in some kind of covering :(
Jams in a babygrow with his blankie on top but he kicks it off when he gets hot, when he has his morning feed i put it back on him again and he usually keeps it on til he gets up

Ive been worrying about this as well LO will be sleeping in our room and both the bedrooms get very hot and dont want him to over heat :?
I've bought an air conditioner from B&Q for £169. I'm going to cool his room down before he goes to bed and then just put a fan on to keep it cool unless of course the temp rockets back up but they do advise not to leave one on in the room.
His room hit 27 the other night and its not even summer :shock:
i'm totally paranoid about this too. my little girl's only a few days younger than yours and i'v been putting her to bed in a long sleeved babygrow and a cellular blanket over her legs (tho she often kicks it off).
my MW commented that i am keeping her nice and cool, and she said to test baby's temp feel the back of their neck or their chest. their hands and feet are meant to feel chilly apparently.

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