overeatting children?


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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my daughters 4, 5 in november.. and she can eat for britan, if i let her she would eat an adult portion and more, she never seems to be full, she can eat and eat. and i think its abnormal, she weighes 4stone 6lb, and shes 120cm i make her healthy snacks, cheese with carrot stick, cucumber and tomatoes, she loves fruit and veg but shes constantly saying shes hungry all the time. are there any other kids out there like her? what do you do to stop them eatting all the time?
Yeah my son Macaulay. He's 11 and eats more than I do. He'll have his breakfast of either cereal or toast then want crisps an hour later. He's always wanting food. We call him gannet LOL. I think he weighs about 6 stone so about right for his age I think. It just gets annoying when we go shopping and he wants to eat everything we've got in one day LOL. We do tell him no or have some fruit instead of crisps and biscuits.
My daughter Jessica NEVER stops eating. I asked the doctor about it last time we went and she said its normal for kids. Jess is slightly over weigh at 5st 6oz and 130cm but she is a lot slimer than she used to be. I am always saying no to everything. She will just ask for everthing in the cuboard. I try to just give her healthy snacks and the odd treat but she would eat none stop all day if I left her.
Josh never stops eating :shock: But when I took notice of it I noticed he ate a lot more in the summer/autumn months when he's either playing out or doing cross country training so i wouldn't worry - as long as they're not overweight they're jusy hungry more than we are :D
I am with libs, Josh tends to eat a hell of a lot when he is more active. When the weather is dull and he doesnt go out much he eats less. When its dry and sunny and he can run around outside he seems to be eating all the time. They burn alot off so need to eat more to keep going. Oh and not forgetting having to feed an water all 6-8 mates that come in an out to play on the trampoline :lol:
Paris eats loads to but she weighs just under 3 stone at 126 cm tall :) She's built like me. She eats for england too

All kids are different, she might be having a huge growth spurt
Tia eats like a horse.....especially when she is growing... She'll have breakfast, midday snack, 3 course meal at school, then a snack, then meal at home with us, then a snack before bed, not to mention the 4 pints of milk she can get through in a day. It drives me batty, not to mention bleeds me dry of money covering the never ending food and clothing bill..... She's 8 now, but only weights 30kg and is 137cm tall (shes a skinny little bean pole with long lanky legs up to her arm pits). I have to buy her size 10 clothes then take all the waists in because she so slim....she's also wearing uk size 4 shoes... I had to buy her school trainers this year from the women's department :shock: which she is dead chuffed about now that she's a proper "lady" :roll: :roll:

I think kids between 4 to 10 go through a huge growth spurt. I have noticed that she tends to eat more when she is back at school though as they do a lot more exercise. Although Tia's been a hungry child since she was born and I started weaning her a week off 3 months, so who knows....
The growth spurts don't end there :roll: Josh will be 14 in December - this summer holidays we reckon he's grown 2-3 inches, from shorter than Nan to towering over her. :shock: He's now in a shoe size 11..2 sizes bigger than his last school shoes. Thank god he was born with club feet, as they told me that that would leave his feet smaller than they would naturally be :shock: can you imagine the size he would take.

He now takes a 32inch waist and leg in jeans (at least I can buy from Primark now he's got bigger :wink: )
My daughter is 7 she will be 8 in january, and for the last like 3+ months my daughter has been eating like a teenage boy, 5 tacos? normal size to.

I mean should i let her? i dont want her to have a weight problem? but then i feel bad if shes hungry

she wears size 10 which i think is pretty normal.

her brother is tiny, hes 5 years, in 3T clothes..
well.. im in the same boat.. charl eats till everythings gone...thats y i posted this thread.. i dont wanna offend anyone.. but i wasnt ona bout kids eatting when they are thin or under weight.. im on about my daughter being addicted to food.. and becomming obese..i suppose mums look at me.. even my own mum must think omg.. what does she feed that kid... y is she gaining weight.. since march shes put on about 5 lb..and i do try to keep ehr meals small and vegy n fuirt them as much as i can..its really hard.. and i find it a struggle.. im not small.. infact im overweight.. and i suppose i feel a bit guilty for letting ehr become overweight.. ior bigger than her age.. shes in size 6-7 clothes and shes only nearly 5..
lisa&alex said:
well.. im in the same boat.. charl eats till everythings gone...thats y i posted this thread.. i dont wanna offend anyone.. but i wasnt ona bout kids eatting when they are thin or under weight.. im on about my daughter being addicted to food.. and becomming obese..i suppose mums look at me.. even my own mum must think omg.. what does she feed that kid... y is she gaining weight.. since march shes put on about 5 lb..and i do try to keep ehr meals small and vegy n fuirt them as much as i can..its really hard.. and i find it a struggle.. im not small.. infact im overweight.. and i suppose i feel a bit guilty for letting ehr become overweight.. ior bigger than her age.. shes in size 6-7 clothes and shes only nearly 5..

I have always struggled with Jessicas weight cos shes just so greedy. My mum keeps telling me to take her to the doctors. Jess has just turned 7 and she is in 11-12 clothes so I know what you mean. Jess even moans if I give Nathan a bottle without her getting something and is a constant stuggle with her. When Jess was aged 2-5 so was so over weight and we couldn't even get nappies to fit her before she was potty trained. I just have to be really firm with her and now she has kept her weight the same for about 2 years and she only just over weight now. We have been under a peadatrician (sp) and he just said what I already know and to put her on skimmed milk instead of full fat milk. Me and most of the women in our family are over weight and I want to keep her weight under control before she gets to an age where she will struggle.
she doesnt really like milk n when she was 1 n half i switched her to semi skimmed.. she wont drink milk.. only has it on cereal.. sicne she was 1 she hasnt drunk milk..

i feel for you.. coz it is a constant battle with her.. i just dont want her to grow up as a fat kid..but i suppose this is all down to me.. anthough i find it hard whenw e go to others houses.. alex's mum feeds her non stop.. sweets n crap.. coz als sister whos same age as charl doesnt eat..shes a sparrow.. and if she doesnt eat ehr dinner she still gets sweets n crap.. n charl eats all her dinner n then all the crap..

hopefully when she gets to school next week it might be easier.. all i have to provide her with is breakfast and a healthy packed lunch.. then hopefully she will start loosing..fingers crossed
lisa&alex said:
hopefully when she gets to school next week it might be easier.. all i have to provide her with is breakfast and a healthy packed lunch.. then hopefully she will start loosing..fingers crossed

Really hope she settles down for you :pray: Familys can be a nightmare though! My mum gives Jess all sorts and says I being mean cos I always say no but I just want her to be heathy and I'm sick of going round the shops looking for the clothes with the most elastic in :roll: Aimee is so skinny though and I hope she stays that way but when I offer her full fat milk and yogurt s and stuff cos she hardly eats I have to try and explain it to her. Its hard to know how far to go without making too much of a big deal of it. Sorry I couldn't offer any advice as I'm still stuggling with her. Good luck!
My son is 7 in October and i have the same problem he constantly asks for food and he just never seems full, he has decent home cooked meals with veg even salad at times, i really worry about him, i have even stopped him having school dinner so i know what he it eating. I have 4 children all together the other 3 are girls and they eat very little and are in the right age clothes. It is hard.
Sorry, just read your other post and i know how you feel in that department to my mother in law was so worried about my son that behind my back she took him to a eating specialist and had him weighed etc... one time my huspand took him to see a doctor about something minor and the doctor impied it was to do with his weight!! I am so fed up with people looking down at me about my sons size i am a good mum who works hard tring to do right by her babys!
yeah.. it is horrible..asked the dr to look at her.. she said u both could do with losing weight.. me and charlotte..lol.. cheeky bitch..although i am overweight.. i wasnt going for me.. my husbands weighs like 10 stone n he was with me at the time..
My ex MIL used to over feed paris all the time and at 3 years old she was classed as over weight, everytime she came back from there I had to deal with the crying and constant I'm hungry.

She doesn't see them now but is a healthy weight :)

TBH lisa your daughter doesn't sound huge she's only 1 size above the average, anyhow she's probably due a huge growth spurt :hug:

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