Over indulging during pregnancy!


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2011
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is this a bad thing? im eating lots of chocolate, burgers, chips, and a few takeaways although im being careful to also eat lots of cereals, fruit, vegetables, jam, and drink lots of water as well as this! is my baby in any danger?? xxx

(sorry i seem to be posting lots of panicking threads but im young and dont have any pregnant friends so i struggle to find people who have been through the same thing!)
I think you should avoid fatty foods as much as possible but allow yourself the occasional treat. xxx
its ok in moderation. There was a program on itv about big babies, according to that if you eat junk food while pregnant baby can get a taste for it and end up with bad eating habits and health problems.

Its up to you what you eat hunny its your body and baby. It won't do much harm if anything you may have a bigger baby as it will be prone to put more weight on from the foods your eating x
I was so sick between 6 and 14 weeks I spent a whole fortnight once just eating hula hoops!! My midwife said it doesn't matter too much if you feel poorly, but try and balance it out when you feel better during the 2nd tri. She said exercise was just as important if not more so than diet - I keep meaning to start swimming!!!
I wouldnt worry to much hun as long as your packing in the healthy stuff too.. maybe try not to eat tons and tons of naughty food but im sure it will even itself out
Thanks guys! Sometimes its just so hard to resist temptation! Especially because at the moment I'm experiencing an increase in appetite!! Xxx
when i was pregnant with my daughter i just went with the flow, i ate LOOOOOOADS of crap throughout, to me back then pregnancy was a good excuse to eat crap because i was gonna get fat anyway (that was my way of thinking anyway lol) my daughter was born weighing 6lb 2oz and shes still a little scrawn bag now, dont get me wrong she likes her sweets what kid doesnt but she gets them in moderation the only downfall to eating all that crap during pregnancy was weighing an extra stone when she was born haha!! xx
I've tried to be good and eat lots of fruit and veg, however this evening I just couldn't resist a crisp sarnie for dinner. Oh well we're allowed to be naughty some of the time :) xx
I think 1st tri is more about getting through it eating whatever makes you feel ok! Then 2nd tri you need to start thinking more about eating healthily as the baby takes nutrients from you. I would make the most of it for now!! xx

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